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My One Night Alone with The Boss

Chapter 2 Part 2

Word Count: 1130    |    Released on: 06/04/2023

to my feet and quickly wiped away the dampness from my lashes.

-being? Maybe I had, and l was taken for granted. But you can push a person only so far before they break! I can't let myself be pushed around anymore!" So why am I sitting around taking this lack of love and awful treatment as if

antry. I pulled out several large trash ba

name-brand jeans, jackets, ties, whatever my hands could grab. I threw an armload of shirts, suits, jeans,

ops of the bags, stuffing them without even bothering to close them. The large bags I struggled

f the bed: all its covers, two chairs, and a lamp. I was shoving all out the Front door into the hallway. Clothes and shoes, deodorant and underwear, C

and called a company

cy! But, Sir, can you co

t. I'm the only one on this route. I

xtra if you come to me. Firs

be there in 20

ou, than

s out of the apartment and simultaneously push his favorite chair out the door. I coul

myself. "What are you staring at? Please go

he disaster out in the hallway.

is fine. Just doing so

he door and standi

nd. All these items wil

tting a lot of

a lot of this to

take care,

o Ms.

ting my fingernail and looking at the clock. I even paid extra for th

epped over all the stuff, he saw clothes and

he asked himself as he hesi

my feet, wiping away a run-way tear. I couldn't b

h my nerves on edge because I had ne

t Locksmith, ma'

ening, Sir. Thank God you're here. It's

wept over the dark empty room. He could

ing to take, Sir?" I

about ten minute

u get this done a li

ws up and does something wild like starts shooting? It is New York, and I don't li

d in precisely twenty min

poke, getting my attentio

00, ma

could tell how my hands were tre

Miss?" Henry decided to a

k you. I'l

Have a good evening

ters, and put it on the front door. Now all I could do was wait, so I lay on the sofa, exhausted. My eyes couldn't stay open. The next time I woke up, it was a loud banging n

y turmoil. I walked into the living room, ready to dial 911. Instead, I was startled by another

ng the hammer as I collecte

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