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The Witch’s Lycan Mates

Chapter 3 Mate

Word Count: 1278    |    Released on: 06/04/2023

he Lycans decided to feast on a tasty snack and they found my juicy looking self hard to resist? Mama had insisted on revisions on the life of Lycans so most of

mother was supposedly a good leader so I figure that’s the best thing to do. We would be taking two carriages, one for mama, papa Anaia and i while the other carriage would carry our luggage and Brett and Brendan “the butch brothers”, two hulking siblings who would serve as escorts, not that we needed any, my papa and mama were fierce fighters. Before we left I kissed Tywin goodbye and scrambled enthusiastically in beside Anaia and cheerfully waved goodbye to him as we pulled away. Since the Lycan Castle was in the city and our coven was at Bath it would take about four to five hours to arrive our destination and I loved long carriage rides because I could enjoy barely seen scenery. I glanced at my companions and rolled my eyes at my smitten parents who as usual had eyes for themselves only while Anaia sat beside me with a disgruntled look on her face and I felt sorry for her. It must be especially difficult for her, her parents had been killed by werewolves, granted that it had happened in Ireland not London but as far as I was concerned they were one and the same. I wondered why she had agreed to come along at all, unlike me it was not mandatory for her to come, Mama had most likely only asked her so as not to make her feel left out and it would have been understandable if she had refused to come along and I wondered why she had come. Must be her goodie two shoes in action. I poked my head out of the carriage’s window, leaning forward to get a better look at the passing landscape and the wind almost pushed my hat away. “Isadora sit down this instant.” Mama said through gritted teeth and i sheepishly sat down, looking down at my hands which I folded in my lap to escape the daggers in my parents eyes. Bored and with nothing to do I remembered that i had some roasted chestnuts in my purse so I glanced around to make sure no one was looking at me and when I was sure I was in the clear I snuck one into my mouth. “Share those with your cousin.” Mama said looking out the window and I almost choked. I grumbled inwardly, if Anaia wanted a snack why did she not pack some? “Wo

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