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Word Count: 2796    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

to things feet first, but it's perilous in French heels. Mr. Markham and I were just trying to d

other amusedly. Markham was following Olga's artistic dissert

d sweetly, "did you know

oking! Georgette is

ially as she was aware of a smudge of face-powder on John Markham's coat lapel which

y, watching Olga's fingers quickly

o, like an ubiquitous terrier, had at last found the scent, came down the arbor on

win!" He moved forward and would have caugh

e cried, "ho

mind us," l

utly. "But I got here


sses. Hermia's dreadful

o a corner of the stone b

ling us what it all

ghed. "May

n smiled politely and

I have no further in

indows; but instead of going in, I skirted the edge and crept through the bushes on the other side. By the time they had reached the privet hedge, I had gone through the house from the kitc

h, I say,

so I slipped over the balustrade to the pergola, down which I crept on

all about?" as

Reggie, glowing. "She promised-you couldn't go ba

Do you mean engaged to y

dea was to try and see if she really c

ything," Hermia broke in, s

sisted. "I knew she'd


each other, you two. You're


y at once,

bench watching the scene with alien eyes. She turned toward Ar

ggie. I'll try it. But

anything," cried R

a moment in silence, and then lightin

t not before Hermia had turned her head over h

ny risks as you ru

arture of the trio Markham had not moved, but his eyes followed the two figures through the rose garden. The moon was suddenly snuffed out and the sea grew lead-color-like a passion that has go

said, "let

owly and stood before h

he said

ok up at him, and gently she

pped again. "What you

illed the old rel

she m


e said. "Nev

ou forg

nothing t

ok his

re only amusing yourself-much

ousness wa

tered him. "You mean t

mean jus

ick refuge

esteem, I cannot flatter you so much as that."

u a wrong," he

heroic. She did not

one doesn't kiss. What is the difference? It is a pastime-not a tragedy. Je M'amusais. I fished for minnows and caught a Tartar-voil tout. I love you-I

hrob of exaltation as she made the sacrifice which prevented the declaration that was hanging on his lips. In making a fool of him again she was saving him from making a fool of himself. Markham did not reply an

his coup de gr

gods do-my messenger. Otherwise your Elysian dignity is in jeopardy. You are not the

ine of her graceful figure rebuking his insuf

g him without a word to his own devices. He stood for a moment of uncertainty, and then fumbling in

tt at the auction table, and then wh

such people I can't imagine. You're never certain

, and all that sort of

otten as his manners I


ensation. Remember that queer little French marq

uverneur. "Who cares-so lon

hing left to him. He was not a man who made friends rapidly, and the three or four people whom he might have cared to cultivate had other fish to fry to-night-and were not frying them

t of him. He tried with some difficulty to analyze the precise nature of his sentiments toward Olga Tcherny, and found at the end of a quarte

e hid his timidity under a brusque manner which gave him credit for a keener penetration than he actually possessed. And, strangely enough, Fate, with sardonic humor, had given him a knack, which so few painters possess, of catching on canvas the elusive charm of his feminine sitters, of investing with grace those characteristics he professed so much to desp

ed than usual, he repaid her in the real interest with which her portrait was invested. He liked Olga. He had accepted her warily at first until he had proved to his own satisfaction the disinterestedness o

nished nor could ever be banished with a woman of her type. He had made the mistake of judging he

ht and for reasons of her own she wanted him. She had been playing him skillfully for months, giving him all the line in he

d he had kissed two women-something of a record for a man of his prejudices. He rose and threw the unsatisfa

e of silk behind

kham. I was just comi

ght, quickly responding to

I would see you agai

pop in feet first." She sat and examined

d you are, M


can't see how you can d

d I find it v

osopher prematurely aged-willing to barter your hope of salvation for a draught of the Fountain of Youth-and I find you making love t

wly. "You know Madame Tcherny

rable chaperon-but then there are limits

t quite fair to

er chair and smiled

able of taking care of

all. It's you, my po

ation of being quite th


unately I'm not the kind of ma

o the opinion that you had most of the characteristics of an amiable gorilla; on Thimble Island you

he time you visit my studio again, I may have reached the next link in the chain to the human." He laughed and t

know? But I was hoping that you might st

Thimble Island a mo

York and my passage is booked for Europe early in

. Don't you find it suffi

y, I can't consult my ow

examining h

ay, Mr. Markham," she

n the eyes, but

I know. But I though

asant. I am glad to h

here because you thought you ought to be polite. You go becaus

m not gregarious by instinct. I can't help i

said, rising. "If you won't

t. I'm leav

f her foot. "I have

shrugged, "I d

hall and she gave

happiness in the wor

ed at him

ys happy.

ement to Mr


l get along-we'll manage someho

is a lon


s, one hand extended over the baluster to his, laughing mischievously. "Good night, Mr. Markham. Thanks for the

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