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Twisted- Gertrude Hope

Chapter 3 Contract

Word Count: 398    |    Released on: 20/04/2023

e papers"the old butler said whil

ously but still walke

he navigated me and I didn't both

out signing...such a wrong time! confusion was all over my mind but here I was anyway, payments had a

d bitterly and

indicating the bold text at the end of the doc

meant...as at now my Mom might already be done with the surgery since this man had al

female voice screaming outside the mansion but I couldn't get to see who it was.

ace that is located so far from the city and there's nothing fun here too..

ch' I thought to myself as I w

Curiosity got the bes

fe" He answered in a noble way, bowed and turned to le

r. Butler?" I

id without l

and walked inside.. .'heavens help me come out alive.' I s

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