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Forever Mine 1

Chapter 2 Spider

Word Count: 2179    |    Released on: 15/04/2023

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said."Whatever.. Just continue boring us with your lectures" She said and went to her seat, together with Amber and Julia.Lance looked at her and smiled. That's what he likes in her, her sassily rude attitude.The English teacher glared so much at her that she broke the pen she was holding.She has to keep on with her rude behavior because even if she report her, she'll get away with it since she's the governor's daughter.★★★★★MIMI'S DELICACY**"Finally!! Some rest!!" Gianna exclaimed as she sat down next to Linda.Madam Miriam, the owner of the store was kind enough to gift them some chocolate cupcakes for their hard work.Gianna was munching hungrily on hers while Linda was pressing her phone."Still watching p*rn?" Gianna asked and she shook her head."No! I'm just thinking of selling this phone off... Like it's an iPhone 14 pro max, I'll gain a lot of money if I sell it!" Linda said, looking at it."What will you do if you meet the person you stole it from" Gianna asked and took a bite of another cupcake."I don't steal! I only borrow things from people which I never give back" Linda shined her teeth."That's technically stealing!" Gianna exclaimed and frowned at her."Hey check this out! I think the person I borrowed this phone from really likes DEW•DROPS and I think his bias is Cole" She said, seeing alot of his pics in it."Speaking of them.. Who's your bias? For me it's Lance, I think he has a long d*ck" Linda gushed."Well I don't really know.. I don't listen that much to music" Gianna shrugged."I wish I can afford tickets to their next concert.. It's tomorrow!!" Linda whined and pouted her lips like she wanted to cry.Gianna just chuckled..★★★★★STAR BRIGHT ACADEMY**The electronic bell rung, signalling the end of classes for the day.The students began packing their bags to leave.🗣 Can't wait for the DEW•DROPS concert tomorrow.🗣 I need to shop for a cute gownTwo students commented as they left.."Bye Anna!! Let's meet at 3pm for the shopping spree" Amber winked and left with Julia.Arianna finished packing her bag and stood to leave when she bumped into someone."Watch where you place your skeleton legs" A voice snapped.Arianna turned and she smirked when she saw who it was."Oh.. It's stupïd Nancy and her puppet Poppy" She scoffed."What did you just call me?" Nancy advanced to her.Well if there's a girls who isn't scared of Arianna, then it's Nancy and her minion Poppy..They both hàte each so much, both are rivals in school and in the TikTok world.Yeah, Arianna and Nancy are TikTok influencer and they have millions of subscribers."I called you stupïd,, oh! Did I forget to add a slut?" Arianna said."You!!" Nancy raised her hand to slap Arianna but someone caught it before she could slap her..She looked at the person and her eyes widened.."Brother.." Nancy called."Stop it Nancy, go home.. The driver is waiting for you, I'll be coming back home late" Lance said.Nancy glared at him. She jerked his hand off and glared at Arianna before leaving.Poppy ran after Nancy while carrying her (Nancy) books in her hand.Arianna looked at Lance and smiled then bit her lips. Lance looked at her lips and felt the urge to just kiss her right here."Hey" Arianna said."What's up?" Lance smiled."Um, I'm good.. Can we film a short video together,,, its for my TikTok account" Arianna said."Sure"Arianna brought out her phone and began filming."Hey everyone, classes for the first day is over and I'm about going home. Guess who I saw" Arianna said and winked then turned the camera to Lance."What's up Legendz! It's Lance on the flow!" He winked at the cameraLegendz is their fandom name.."Make sure you don't miss out tomorrow's concert. It's gonna be lit" He said and made the 'peace' sign with his fingers."You've heard him guys! Make sure you come in your numbers for tomorrow" Arianna blew a kiss before ending the video.She posted it and it gained 500 reactions in a minute."So I'll be going now" Arianna said and carried her bag."Here" Lance took her hand and placed three VIP tickets in her hand."For you and your friends" He whispered to her ear and brushed his hand on her cheek then winked before leaving.Arianna looked at her hand and touched her cheek which he

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