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The Alpha's Chosen Mate

The Alpha's Chosen Mate


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 764    |    Released on: 13/04/2023

hard to believe that she was actually here, standing before a group of werewolves. She had he

ing until they stood before her in human form. Cassandra couldn't help but b

zed him immediately as Alpha Zephyr, the leader of the pack. He was tall and

low and commanding. "I am Alph

m Cassandra," she replied, her own voice shak

that our pack has its own customs and hierarchy. You will

ver her. She had expected the werewolves to be different

Alpha Zephyr continued. "You will be under the protection o

d fear. She was thrilled to be here, learning about this new

follow him. "I will show you around our territ

other wolves looked at her. Some were friendly, offering her nods or

pack is protective of its own, and newcomers are often regarded with suspicion. But if y

tral. She had expected this to be a challenge, but

territories, explaining the pack's customs and traditions as they went. Ca

ral wolves were gathered around a fire. Alpha Zephyr

heir midst, chatting with her and asking her questions about

ur pack," he said, gesturing to Cassandra. "She has come to learn about our ways, and it is our duty to teach her. But we must also rem

rious. Cassandra felt a sense of gratitude towards

earn our customs and traditions, and will be expected to follow our rules.

andra watched them go, her heart filled with a sense of awe and wonder. She had never expecte

e of excitement at the thought of what was to come. This was just the beginning of h

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