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The Enchantress

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1203    |    Released on: 17/04/2023

full lengthy letter and got up. She walked out of the library and returned

g one. One which she would finally find the happiness and peace she

ce" She greeted

you checked up on the g

ould be able to make it before taking her to the hos

maid the more. They knew Mrs grace as someone who is barely happy, seeing her ha

food up here or at the dining?" M

mble the other workers, I've got

the bathroom to have her bath, she emerged later, and dressed up. Sh

all, they stood in their white and black u

race" They gre

attentively to what I've got to say" She looke

e. The company and all my other assets. I want you all to respect that person. No one at all must go against h

unning through his mind. He had a feeling something bad wanted to happen. He knew she was not just any woman. She was special, and too beautiful. So many rich men had wanted to court her after Damian had left her, but she had blatantl

ned before hugging her back. she felt so small and fragile. His heart leapt in joy, thinking mrs grace had finally n

now you'd never let me down when I

f his sight, unless of course she wanted to slee

for the lady who's gonna be in charge. You'd continue to guard her like you do

hind her. Two maids were in the room. She stared at them and gave them

e unconscious lady and sat close to her. Tears gathered in her eyes. she looked around her dau

me realise I could finally peace by saving you. I know you are special at heart, the more reason

r in the library. Everyone is gonna know about it, a

e your powers wisely. Stay happy and live

lacing her two palms on either side of the lady's f

ustered all the courage in her and continued moving her lips quickly. Sweat ran down her face, and the unconscious lady breathing became steady. The silver light turned red and more brighter. She didn't break the mutterings. Her breath was leaving her, her legs were shaky and hot tears began to spill out of her eyes. The lady moved a finger and slowly began to breathe steadily. All the bruises were gone and her skin was back to normal. She sucked in a deep breath and began to cough. Mrs grace felt weak to the bones already and she was graduall

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