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Too Late To Confess

Chapter 5 The House Is Not Okay

Word Count: 2261    |    Released on: 18/04/2023

hat Lucy had a tooth on the upper left side. Erza quickly looked away because he

lity," Lucy sai

nk I've had enough, I'm going to lea

aving now?"

I want to

rugged. "No problem

few seconds, the two teenagers looked at each other, before

all. And not wanting to dwell on the matter, the boy decided to head home. Erza quickly drove

es right now. Erza should be there with them, having fun and killing time. But, Erza couldn't.

nt out. That afternoon after school, Erza rushed to see his mother, instead of changing clothes o

his mother's condition would remain the same. Erza looked in the kitchen, but his

the room, and the boy continued his search. This time, his

were two floors, the backyard was also wide, and on the s

d a sigh of relief. His mother was sitting on the edge of the pool, legs sunk into

toward his mother. "Mom, I've been looking

prised, shoulders tensed, and his gaze immediately rose towards the

ried a faint smile, then completely closed

?" the mother asked, he

" Erza replied. He positioned his seat near

ince this afternoon. I'm sorry if I did

t a big deal either, after all, you were reading a novel, and

is feet into the pool

e, did you ju

l, I stopped by s

I s

ed color on her cheeks from last night was gone. Erza didn't know if it was really

n escaped her pale lips, "You don't have to w

ou're lying, that's not what happened. You don't have to lie about

t. His lips parted, but no words came out. The woman looked

m is not okay, thi

talk like t

eed, this place is so big and luxurious, but it is not comfortable at all. It's better to have a small

ing here for more tha

"Mom, if I'm being honest, I don't want to live in this house anymore at

e should go if we rea

ant. The earth is so vast, ther

get out of here, and neither can you, I can't get away from

r in front of him. "Why can't we go? Bec

om's hu

sband?" Erza shook his head, unable to understand his mother's way of think

ot his

but he also behaves cruelly towards us, especially you. He's often angry. Is that what you call love? You know wh

ur fathe

my father, Mom, don't say that ever again. All this time, I've only had

side. "You must be tired after school, you better take

ion. I won't leave until I'm sa

hings like this, Erza." His mo

hat you realize that I won't get tired of bringing it up a

he is my husband. How long will this go on? It will

r mind, you're willing to torture yourself all

reason. I'm not going

t defend yourself like this, especially at the expense of your happiness. I remind you aga

things li

say that to her mother? Erza just wanted his mother to realize, nothing more than

in such a high tone to his mother, but if it succeeded in maki

to this house, that man would get angry like crazy, then end up torturing mom. Is that your husband? What kind of husband tortures his wife

ather divo

nd later, he regretted speaking in such a high tone. It wasn't Erza's

he's still your father, Erza. That is a fact." A breath was taken, before the woman finally spoke agai

tell me that I'm going to beg him to u

situation, no mat

rt. The boy immediately shu

accepting it. Perhaps it's for the best.

oke seriously, very earnestly. "I'm not happy here, I hope that stupi

't have to hat

, and you tell me not to hate that person? What kind of madness is this? That's impossible. My hatred f

lt. Here, I'm also at faul

, letting his mother continue her words.

ve your father offspring. It's not his

he situation is not possible that he should encourage you so that you don't feel guilty for not giving h

lence for a

he reality that is in front of you? Every time I get tortured and angry, my mind

to discuss it anymore. Mom is fin

explain to me what

sary, you already

ut needing to be explained. His mother was b

where di

n't k

woman, can't you gue

want to think

had been channeled. This kind of chaotic situation had to be eradicated i

to see that? Instead of continuing to witness things that

g from her son's lips, instead, she lifted

e your father will come home tonight. Oh yes, you should also take a shower,

he spot. As usual, h

confused about this problem. It wa

ome the light of happiness ahead. His mo

estion. How long was

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