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An Affair that Might Just Ruin Her Life

Chapter 4 Connor saw my fa

Word Count: 1902    |    Released on: 29/07/2023

ghed. “You should see what

hang up on my boss

fear of losing my job – and my irritation at Connor losing it for me

d grinned. “You’re adorable wh

and. “How are you even goi

tially handed my cell to him, h

en the


s own cell. “Yes, I saw it – and yes, I remember it. I have a

up and down my body

, 24

ed at me wit

d fire e

34 and the 35 are. He was being exces

about sexual harassment. If anybody else had done

lets you know he’s mentally undressing you… we

y sexual

nerdy. So his putting me in a class with pi an

just hot,

the regular 36-24-36 cliché. If this guy can peg my measurements by looking at me… what

inking that, he was alre

s Connor. Can you ho

swiped the screen once,

r at me, grinned, and put

y he did that until

g me eavesdro

us’s angry vo

again. I’ve got Dave W

on the floor,

tz. CEO of Exer

ere both Klaus

Star had him

ey’s eyes

ltz, h-hello,”

don’t mind, but my hands are occupied at the

His hands weren’t doing any

have suggested a few places

Connor’s, but it was still pretty darn commandin

rupted. “Just call

nor by his first name. “Sure, Connor. I want you to give Conno

ice kicked in. “

ltz,” interru

fake-shocked little ‘o’ mou

s reaction, and had to cover my

sir, you see, I’m actua

the office, Klaus


needs, you make sure he


ike a horrible brat who’d just been ordered to

it’s late there in New York, so I don’t want t


, it’s Connor

was a real pleasure talking to you this afternoon, and

ve,” Connor sai

u t

aus tried to say, but West

and match, C

ed jerk of a boss got his butt handed to him by the CEO of t

nger and caugh

e!” and then Connor swiped the phone scree

red, even though the call was on mute. “I know what Mr. Westerholtz said,

say ‘penis-measuring contest,’ but

nor the impression I was thin

se I

eek below the bel

ybe I was thinking about his just a little bit right at th


k to the phone, swiped it off mute, and almost shouted, “Alright

s bugg

e OPPOSITE of wha

-year-old boy hearing the funniest fart joke of his life as Klaus

tle head about that, Klaus. You

g like what Stanley looked like at that m

your tone,”

ude. Dave basically – oh, that’s ri

my mouth with b

at Roy Scheider in Jaws, glassy-eyed ‘You

he was having the

I say ‘Jump,’ you ask, ‘How high.’ And

Westerholtz wouldn’t

handle what I need, we could do that, too,” C


irl, you better get your ass outt

went s

sked warily, with defi

by the elevators. You want me to

do that,” Klaus agreed. The r

hear his utter humiliation ov


en held up a finger shhhh! to his

at me like, Too la

s, said, “Here she is,” and th


. Zimmerman,” I

almost gave

thank God. He was a

HING, Lily. Now

ne, Klaus,” Connor c

if I weren’t so horri

s a brie

hought,” Klaus course-corrected. “I need you to take the g


t know about

ng ‘how high’ yet,” Connor spoke

here are too many confidential

offered. “Or… you can come in a

bviously thinking about his options: avoid a potenti

rooks whatever help he requires, Lily,”

g?” Conn

hear Klaus’s teeth gritti

greed. “Hav

Connor?” Kla

e across the room. I might

ossing his arms. “That was very

d up in

head like, Here

us asked, equa

o her,” Conn

cessary,” I said in a

Connor insis

diculous –

ust to the people you can get away with it? Employ

ng to take t

e’s very nice to his personal secretary Amanda. I think h

bout to

Exerton Consulting was

s watching a train wreck

oooooong paus

lish woman ‘of a certain age’ might sa

ouldn’t hear you!

seethed. “Is that all

s!” Connor called out, then reached over, too

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