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The last daughter of the moon

Chapter 9 Put her in our dorm now

Word Count: 1062    |    Released on: 27/04/2023

uarda mumbling somethin

t everyone takes a step back when they see

is silent just looki

ither and it’s clear that he and

Erick orders Joshua in a t

in addition to the things he had in the common bedrooms also had na office, and a dining room and only three cubicles, his and the others that be

that,” says Joshua lo

shua’s wimpy sister bothers him so much, he just knows he’s feeling na irresis

ooked like he was going to his sister’s dinner,” he s

ars his thr

I chose you”, he said like this because it would not be convenient for people to find out that Eduarda was h

re so when he sees Gaby’s

the wimp only, you stay here”, and turning to Eduarda says, “

me all of you

be closer to her brother, after all they’ve been apart for a year, but on the other hand she

e but she believes it would be good if Ga

dreaming and hurry up

ndering if somehow he was able

of stage, and four other tables at the bottom, each

e are for the leaders of the group and the strongest or special of somehow, the places can change if a person becomes weaker or stronger in the course of the year,

again when he sees Gab

some point he would find his partner and his sister would suffer a lot, or worse, Eduarda’s partner could reject

her wolf won’t awaken they wouldn’t get along. Recognized, after all, a year ago his sister began to be mistreated, and a year ago Erick had been feeling the pain of his partner, and Er

his mind, after all Erick hated his partner, and wo

he room with her group, number th

a feels a shiver go u

Jessica will hound her to death”, and he looks again at his sist

eased to see that the weakling seems int

or he in her, Jessica couldn’t care less abou

hts and fights are only allowed in the training ring, and that the next morning each newcomer would go through the screening

nd it was as if something in her eyes was call

looks, lightly touches Eduard

hing in him wanted to go through the forest that was her e

o me?”, Erick asks himself and

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