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Rebirth from ashes

Chapter 2 You're To Nosy

Word Count: 741    |    Released on: 02/05/2023

efore Juan Xi and was about to pour t

us Juan Xi got up and plucked

mily was

Juan Xi’s mouth. Then, using all of her stren

not that sor

e was his prized possession. His face w

in anger. There was a painful,

led the basin of cold water onto him

d a long sigh as she loo

Muyan gritte

e strength.” Juan Xi sighed again and toyed with the whip

as shaking

could n

l and begged. She appeased them all th

ld still stick around them like a repul

und on her son’s face. She glared at Juan Xi

d a threatening stare and

wallowed her words. When she realized what was going

” Juan Xi frowned and thre

She pointed at Juan Xi with a trembling finger. “Dear, get her out of here, I

l also pretend that I never had you for a mother. I

e day, they would notice her and like her

ard she tried to express herself and how much she

l of her efforts ha

hetic dog who had to kowtow and submit to

as their pr

ality was tough and unwavering. She was not loved by her parents and was constantly di

ce her leg broke, she could not dance properly. She realized how excellent

pters at Wuxia

legs. She was able to stand up, but she could not dan

ow little she looked like her family members. Outsiders said t

er classmates. Someone poured a bottle of acid o

s skilled in drawing and playing musical instr

ed, resulting in fractures in her arms. From that day on

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