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My Wife is A goddess and im a Soloist Gamer part 2

Chapter 7 Renovation of the room after hurricane

Word Count: 1410    |    Released on: 08/05/2023

try to do it today" freya then went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth, jae jin followed her too. The two of them then faced the mir

do you like" freya asked and jae jin went near to her, near enough for their body to touch each other, and whispered "Pink". A punch landed on jae jins stomach, freya then expected that jae jin will flew away from their position, however jaejins body did not budged. Instead he pushed her into the walls and lean toward her face and bit her lips, the

r and pressed the red button and the door opened up, she then went out of it and started to move her feet on the side walk. Freya then took her phone inside her bag and she search for the nearby architects address. It then says that from where she is, she only needs to walk both o

were also taking their own time. When suddenly everything went dark and he started to fall. Once again jaejin is swallowed by the portal. Several people in the park were alarmed and they evacuated, a minute later, portal association members arrive guarding the place. This time, inside the portal, ja

their way, the architect made a call and said "Kindly inform the team that I need them right away, I send you the location and please bring the materials needed" then he put the phone down and continue driving his car. Beside him was freya. "So what happene

is located. Freya opened the door with her thumb mark and together they went inside the room. She then pointed her finger and said "Thats t

. Then freya went near to him and gave him some glass of juice. The architect took the juice and faced freya asking. "Did you guys went all out last night?". Unable to answer

up. He slowly stood up and notice

thousand of wolves surrou

ted "Ah" and it echoed into the room like he was tarzan in the jungle. However he still did his best despite his groin hurting so bad. He activated his shadow clone skill and their punches pummeled down the wolves

in is drained in stamina,

body was covered with vertical green li

r core and his joints were filled with force. Jae jin then started giving straight punches to the upcoming wolves and it hit their heads, the force of jae jins fist crushed the

r leader and someone touched the portal and felt the human presence inside and said "Only One". Then the leader of the team estimated the porta

e of he cannot help himself but shout. "NOOOOOOO!"..., He held his hands upward and his face was full of disappointment, he cannot help but repent on his decision. His loud scream resonated into the dungeon and what comes next is a loud crashing sound.

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