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The Billionaire Embrace

Chapter 4 Unnecessary Expectations

Word Count: 1074    |    Released on: 20/05/2023

sting the angle of the picture frames on the wall. Everything had to be perfect for tonight's dinner party. He had invited his colleagues and their spouses, eager to im

exquisite gourmet meal. She had spent hours planning the menu, selecting the finest ingredients, and ensuring that eac

also for Brenna. He had set impossibly high standards for their home, their social gatherings, and even the

quate and under constant pressure. She longed for a more relaxed and authentic connecti

laying the role of the perfect hostess, but inside, she yearned for a deeper connection with her husband. She had hoped that this dinne

at the wine glasses were constantly filled and the conversation flowed smoothly. He

es and gestures. She hoped he would pick up on her cues and allow for a more relaxed atmosph

he others gasped, Carson's face turned crimson with anger. He snapped at the guest, his tone laced with disappointment and frus

tears streaming down her face. She retreated to the solitude of their bedroom, fee

ctations had taken on his wife. Brenna poured out her heart, expressing her need for a more authentic and relaxed relat

. He hadn't realized the depth of Brenna's unhappiness a

his company, true happiness didn't lie in meeting external expectations but in nurturing the love

She pictured a partner who would cherish and respect her, some

ed out to be much dif

it was subtle-a harsh comment here, a dismissive gesture there-but it soon escalated into a pattern of emotional and v

d commitment, and she desperately clung to the hope that things would change. Her friends and family noticed h

Carson's anger begins to turn physical as he grapples Brenna to the bedroom in search of his belt. Brenna is left with br

with Carson, no matter what happens, the fear and a misplaced sense of duty held her back. She con

ng her words and actions to avoid setting off Carson's rage. She lost touch with her frien

s at that moment that she realized she couldn't continue living like this. She couldn't sacrifice her happiness and well-being for t

ent under the shower together. Meticulous I have been wondering if we're still together, Brenna asks, but Carson keeps roc

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