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Mafia Love Scandal

Chapter 5 Miss A thing

Word Count: 1788    |    Released on: 14/05/2023

of several mafia groups known as the Sicilian Mafia or Cosa Nostra. Their main activities include demanding protection money and resolving disputes among criminal

rred to as "Mafioso" by the general public. One of the most feared m

group has managed to control the drug and weapons trade beyond Italy's borders. Not only that, but he's often suspected of orchestrating the murder

to uncover, let alone dismantle, their network. Various methods have been attempted, but in

egislative institution. MI6, the secret intelligence agency of the United Kingdom, has assigned their to

o mobilize all his subordinates to find this man. Unfortunately, up to this moment, Masseli's whereabouts remain

asked Rodrigo, his trusted associat

his family weren't found at their residence. It's highly likely

owing some emotion, the middle-aged man

not have enough of our group scattered there? To t

ar. The information he conveye

. But it seems Giorgino and his family sought help from

Emotion had taken over

ght now!" he com

ppear. With great respect, the man named Mateo approache

d I do, Sir

d into his jacket pocket and then

of to your phone. Find them, their family, or anyone

excused himself to leave. Luca's command was an order that needed to be carri


vening. It had been a busy day with a lot of work to do. Aft

n't see Anne in his surroundings. Her room also seemed quiet. Usually, she would

igate. He took a few steps towards her room, hesitating about

Growing more concerned, he hesitantly turned the doorknob,

ened, Kaivan headed to the living room

n Anne? I can't fin

lling Meggy. She usually takes care of Miss An

ould be true that Anne was with an

try contactin

y dialed the other assistant named Meggy

re you wi

. I'm in a meeting room right now, preparing s

ne isn't with you or Mike, th

'll search for Miss Anne right away, Mis

udden disappearance. He should have been pleased that the woman was gone, but it was a different story if she was taken by a g

y found Anne walking around the hotel. Filled with anger, Kaivan bomb

out any security?" Kaivan's fru

the hotel. Why do I need security? You'r

"I don't really care what you want to do. But since you're cl

e phone from Anne's grip and handed the device to

to do, Kai?" Ann

ward Meggy. "Meg, please take this woman t

"Give me back my phon


ded Anne to her room. Meanwhile, Kaivan continu

access it," Kaivan instructed. "Also, tighten security. I don't want

t right away," Mike replied, then excuse



the door to his room while calling his name. She was

retorted as he opened the door to hi

won't be quiet until you

't want to? Wh

en more irritated by Kaivan's behavi

ring to close the door to his room again. F

ed a lesson!"

at can

or a moment, and then, after a short pause, she

cked the key into her bra. This action naturally left

ound with me,"

she continued to stride forward toward Kai

anning?" Kaivan posed

I'll make you regret it,"

n remained firm


l onto the sofa. In one fluid motion, she crawled on top of the tattooed man. This

't mess around!

I won't stop until you r

on't give it

f her sleep gown. This allowed Kaivan to see with his own eyes how the wo

his hands to grasp the slipping gown, attempting to cover Anne

ted, demanding the item

one from his pants pocket and handed it over to Anne. "Don't you want t

u're not my type," Kaivan flatly r

ss. Slowly, Anne put her gown back on. However, before it was fully adjusted, with a bold m

g the kiss. "If you dare try anything like this again

, still in shock from the unexpected kiss from

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1 Chapter 1 One Night Stand2 Chapter 2 Living together3 Chapter 3 Do or Nothing4 Chapter 4 Another Girl5 Chapter 5 Miss A thing6 Chapter 6 Annoying7 Chapter 7 Thunderstorm8 Chapter 8 Protect By Mafia9 Chapter 9 Decision10 Chapter 10 Marry You11 Chapter 11 11. Wedding Preparation12 Chapter 12 12. Curious13 Chapter 13 13. Beautiful In White14 Chapter 14 14. Promise Me15 Chapter 15 15. Affairs16 Chapter 16 16. Investigate17 Chapter 17 17. Sleep Together 18 Chapter 18 18. Thunderstorm19 Chapter 19 19. She's My Wife20 Chapter 20 20. Unexpected21 Chapter 21 21. Damn It!22 Chapter 22 22. Sleep With You23 Chapter 23 23. Take Care of Yourself24 Chapter 24 24. Don't Play With Me25 Chapter 25 25. Still Virgin 26 Chapter 26 26. The Truth27 Chapter 27 27. Love You, Anna28 Chapter 28 28. Regret29 Chapter 29 29. Lovey Dovey30 Chapter 30 30. The Apple of My eye31 Chapter 31 31. Intimate32 Chapter 32 32. Never separate Us (1)33 Chapter 33 33. Never Separate Us (2)34 Chapter 34 34. What Should I do 35 Chapter 35 35. Who Will Help 36 Chapter 36 36. Leave You37 Chapter 37 37. Battle With Mafia38 Chapter 38 38. Brother In-Law39 Chapter 39 39. Devise a Strategy40 Chapter 40 40. Compromise41 Chapter 41 41. Night Attack42 Chapter 42 42. WAR43 Chapter 43 43. Final Attack44 Chapter 44 44. Reduce to Tears45 Chapter 45 45. Far Away46 Chapter 46 46. Go to Pieces47 Chapter 47 47. Miss You Badly (1)48 Chapter 48 48. Miss You Badly (2)49 Chapter 49 49. Wanna Be With You50 Chapter 50 50. Nonsense51 Chapter 51 51. Great to see You52 Chapter 52 52. I Beg You Stay by My Side53 Chapter 53 53. Fake Frienshit54 Chapter 54 54. Mini War55 Chapter 55 55. Be Good father and Husband56 Chapter 56 56. Best gift Ever57 Chapter 57 57. Be With You58 Chapter 58 58. Together59 Chapter 59 59. Snow White60 Chapter 60 60. END