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More Tish

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 10431    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

king on the problem of rescuing Charlie Sands; and

. She generally aims high, I've discovered. And in that case I rather fancy myself taking the old chap back to Hilda

pathy and conversatio

and leave me alone, for Heaven's sake. He is perfectl

position and the three of us took refuge in it, leaving Tish outside knitting calmly. It was a poor place, but by taking in our folding table and chairs we made it fairly comfortable, and Mr

he doorway, and we noticed that she

n case my first plan fails we may be compelled to desperate measures-but I find my present situation int

family, too, but it's got sense enough to surrender when necessar


y length." Here she eyed Aggie coldly. "It is no time for craven spirits," she said. "We may be arrested and court-martialed for being so near the Front, to say nothing of what may even

bly, and Mr. Burton said: "I don't like the idea any more than I do my right eye. Why bother with the general? I

im considerably, for I remember that when it was all over and we were in safety once agai

l, I think, that headquarters was at the foot of the

officer and there make our plea-without you, as it will be necessary to use all the softening feminin

ogether, are you? You wouldn't break my heart, would you? Besides, you'll need me. I

n shells had left any road, and she said if she failed with the C. O. he was

be against the enemy? Unless you mean to wai

could repair that machine gun!" she reflected. "I dare say I can salvage an automatic rifle or t

ed Mr. Burton; "and if you feel that music would add t

dquarters. We got there finally, however, and it was in a cellar and-though I do not care to reflect on our gallant army-not as tidy as it should have been. Mr. Burton having remained

inting to the bayonet. "I don't want a hole in the onl

s!" said the sentry.

nd two officers who were sitting there playing cribbage l

general with an unfailing eye she saluted and said: "Only

against the table, and for a moment both officers were too surprised to offer her any assistance. Tish and I picked her up, and

oice, "but if you ladies will explain how you

him said: "Suffering Crimus! It

adies I have told you about, sir, with the nephew. You may recall the helpful suggestions sent to the Secretary of War and forwarded back to me by the General Staff. I have always wanted to explain about

neral in an angry tone. "Now,

want to know merely whether you propose to do anything a

allusion to the cribbage board, et cet

the colonel. "Remembe

sure!" said the gen

at followed-hardly conversation, indeed, as

h said very quietly: "Then I am to understand t

your n

lie S

's Charl

hew," s

ly in a loud voice: "Orderly! Raise that cu

unger than I am. I've got a family, and my blood pressure's

he colonel to hi

gone. The general was his brother-in-law, he said, and rath

bout getting you back to safety. I'd offer you our humble hospitality, but somebody got in here today and st

ky trip for a purpose, and I don't give up easily, young man. I'm

ace c

ou aren't going to make things difficult for me, are

ntire American people. If kept from the front trenches while trying to s

e said in a sad voice. "Think of t

ed impatiently. "I'm not do

ly moving the cri

ite to her every day, but I have been conscious recently that in her replies to me there has been an element of-shall I say suspicion? No, that is not the word. Anxiety-of anxiety, lest I shall fall in love with some charming Red Cros

"If there's trouble I'll send her our birth certificates. Bes

tily: "By marriage, madam, only by marriage. By tha

aid Tish. "

either one of them would move hand or foot to get Charlie Sands back. Aggie had been sc

her than brute force. I shall therefore attend to it myself. Good night, colonel. I hope you find anoth

The colonel was staring after us and wipi

e general direction of the trenches. "One thing is sure and certain-I'm not going back until I've found out whether Charl

n at this, and Tish

ly," she added, "to get through our lines unseen and into the very midst of the German Army-with o

demanded Aggie's flashlight. She then led the way behind the ru

e observed. And I perceived with a certain trepidation that the p

sh Commissary for Scotch whisky. Insect powder!' Wouldn't you know," she said b

se she studied carefully until several bullets found their way to our vicinity, and a sentry ran up a

w where we steal the hay from the battery horses and roll it

es. "You know," he explained-"somebody begat somebody else, and that sort of thing. You haven't any more fags about

show us to the trenches. I particularly wish to gi

Bring the life savers, and we'll s


to state that we have not only been to our advanced positions but have even made a short ex

?" he asked


d said: "How many cig

ed. "Say, five to you, and the rest us

lmet out there you might give me one. I've been here six months and I've never seen one, on a German or off. I let a woman reporter through last week," he

k to Mr. Burton, and Aggie clutche

ng. "She's going to V-- to rescue Charlie Sands, and we'll all b

" I said as calmly as possible. Aggie put her

raid to say so. You'd think she only had to shoo those Germans like a lot

grenades below, and also our revolvers and a supply of extra cartridges. She had not explained her pla

nd then commit suicide. I've been thinking of doing it for some time anyhow, and this way has an element of the dramatic that appeals to me." I have learned since that he felt that the only t

r our excursion through the trenches that night, where we were met everywhere with acclaim and gratitude, and finally assisted out of the trenches by means of a ladder. As it was quite dark

any one remember the pepper and salt?" and "I hope som

didn't understand the situation, shortly after this, and that the bott

He then stopped and said that a joke was a joke, but there was such a thing as ca

e of that wood," he whispered; "and th

omised to take Hilda a German

omise her a live one. The more I consider the matter the more I am su

ous, and even suggested that if we would only go back he would

gie stumbled and fell into a deep shell hole full of water. We heard the s

aring a deep masculine voice sa

ame in piteous ac

l the other voice said: "Well, I'll b

voice, a short distance awa

ool," said the first voice

voice. "I'm drawing about ei

ection of the voices and said

ned. And there

uddle, you know, lady. And if my revolver wasn't wet through I'

s, which resemble certain of our Fourth of July pieces, whi

, however, we had a short glimpse of Aggie's head and another above the wat

ulty dragged her out. It was while this was going on that Tish cau

I suddenly remembered. It was the man we had thrown from the ambulance in Paris the ni

f you were an officer of the A. E. F. I was gone more. Bill and I just slipped out to tak

r captain?"

raid last night, and he and a f

. Burton, forget

ptain Weber?" I asked

's th

ar!" sa

topped and put down t

ow look here, Miss Tish, I hate to disappoint you, but I've

to road mending for three or four years I'd be a happier man. A

tood listening, a

I just want to say this: If you have any idea of going to V--, and as we were going in that direction our

have no objection. It must be distinctly understood, ho

t then, and I perceived t

ord!" he

I heard him whispering to Bill. He then said to

"In the course of my welfare work

tly welfare work you wer


o know that if you hadn'


Not that I'd exchange," he added. "I wouldn't have missed this excursion fo

nce. Mr. Burton, however, was very difficult and tried to

k I've had since I left h

ith the help of our new allies br

an position-a military term meaning location and not attitude-was behind the town, but they kept enough soldiers in it to hold it, and in case of an attack they filled it up with grea

rought it the affair would be extremely simple. It has from the begi

suggested that the two soldiers return to the alli

t through, and will undoubtedly before long have a return of her hay fever, w

felt the paroxysm coming on, sneeze almost noiselessly. She said also that though not related to her by blood Charlie Sands wa

attempt the salvage of the required weapons she assisted me in wringi

to restore our strength, and attempting

ition before, but now I know you'll pull it off. You'll get Sands and you'll get Weber and send him back-to-well, you understand. It's just

ing the future life to such

sat on, and all the indignities that ghosts must suffer, without

urned Tish gave them

we succeed it will be by finesse rather than force, and that is distinctly a feminine quality. Se

at once that that last sentence had relieved his mind greatly. A few prisoners wouldn't

e added. "Say, a dozen or s

ed her strategy-unless from the paper

and have lauded the mobility of a small force and the greater element

k seem a large one, by spreading the party over a la

ht or left, and firing again," she said, "those who have only re

f, endeavoring to be a platoon-or perhaps she said regiment-would advance from the left. On the right Mr. Burton was to mo

Burton with that strange sarcasm whi

maintains that the deeper the love the greater the misery, and that Mr. Wiggins once sent back a muffl

me, as I could tell by an irritated exclamation from her when she became entangled in the enemy's barbed wire. But soon I realized that she had gone. Looking back I believe it was just before we met the Germans who were out laying wire, but I am not quite certain. There were about ten

ns of V-- directly before us. They were apparently empty and silent, and concealing ourselves behind a fallen wall

taked Tish," wer

e," I sai

Oh, by de

, "worry about the Germans. It wouldn't surpri

tremendous noise. Aggie and I did our best, I know, to appear to be a large number, firing and then moving to a new point and firing again. I must say from the way those Germans ran toward their own lines behind the town I was not surpr

church, meeting the two privates on the way. When we arrived Mr. Burton was already there and had unfastened a l

And not a casualty among us-or the Germans either, I fancy, save

a match, and

ied. "Tish i

urch said: "Suffering' snakes! I'm delirious, Weber

revolver, and we heard Tish's dear voice o

as muttering in German. She had both her revolvers pointed at it, and she

bottle, and he seemed extremely surprised. He kept stumbling over th

It's a real arm. Therefore i

d tie up this general or whatever he is.

told the story that V-- had been attacked and captured by an entire division, without artillery preparation, and that he himself had seen the commanding officer killed by a shell. But the truth was that Tish, having falle

point of a pin. He seemed to be in a very bad humor, and was muttering to himself. She waited in the darkness until he had finished, and had shoved the cards into h

ed, and moving out of the candlelight gave way to emotion that fairly shook him. It was when he r

the pinochle game is not necessarily broken up. It can continue until you are moved back behind the Allied lines. I may not," he added, "be able t

and said: "Don't tell me Aunt Aggie

cried. "Whe

entered the church. She was still outside, perhaps wandering al

at once to find her. Mr. Burton went out immediately, and returned soon after to say that she was not in sight,

n Tish felt this, and said that it was a rule of war that the many should not suffer for the few; also that she didn

through the roof behind us, and more followed it at once. I was very uneasy, especially as

ed Aggie by name at intervals, but she did not appear. And when we reached the very edge of the town the Germans were

at I felt Tish'

t that she is, I cannot think of her hiding somewhere and

ly. "I guess if she's your r

thank her lucky stars I was there. However, she said nothing, but I heard her suggesting that we separ

, since our first entrance into the church, but he was with us, and I had observed Mr. Burton eying him with unfriendly eyes. Indeed, I am qui

was his, and that if he chose and could manage

ome to him,

ot my p

; I give h

te, however, she r

ow the money for an engagement ring. If it did there would be fewer engagements. If

d to be

face," he said slowly. "Not but what i

driving the German ahead, with a grenade in one hand and his revo

felt Tish's hand on my arm. We

you-do from any of them. I believe the general impression is that they feared a trap. I think they are rather annoyed to learn that there was a period of several hours during which they might safely h

You came in with a long story about a nephew, but it's my plain conviction,

ely smil

f course, in these days of war one must be very

reminded him of his blood pressure, but

you, but it seems to me more than a coincidence that your celebrated strategy followed clo

ne of your own staff explained it to me one perceives an object necessary to certain operations. If on sa

ked up his cap and went out of our sit

an our unhappy search. However, as it was still very dark I evidently lost my sense of direction,

r," said a voice. "

was well we did so, for we had no more than reached the church and seated ourselves on the doorstep in deep dejectio

wish to fly go now. I shall remain. I have to

flashlight, cautiously used, we made our way to a break in the floor and Tish suggested that we retire to the cellar, which we did, descending on piles o

ous, and Tish gave me a mouthful of

and it would be dangerous to be discovered just now. Perhaps we would better fin

crawling behind a marble sarcophagus we found a sort of cave made by the debris. Owing to that protection

s just dreaming that Mr. Ostermaier

, "suppose the

d and tur

. "She hates dying about as much as most people. My own private o

xclaimed. "

experiment," she said drowsil

ans were in full possession of the town. They inspected the church buildi

r," she said. "Evidently they're af

r customary promptness she set out to discover food, leaving me alone, a prey to sad misgivi

ticking in me in various places," I

staring about her

t would answer," she observed. "Did

ecisely what she wanted. She took it away with her, and was gone some twenty minutes.

d. "He had just put in some f

ate she e

utside I perceived a soldier cooking his breakfast. Of course there was a chance that he would not look away at th


He was really savage, Lizzie. From the way he act

aried occasionally by an egg. I had not Tish's confidence in her escape. And Tish was restless. She insisted on wandering about the

t until nightfall and then search again for Aggie, in case my judgment is wrong as to her escape. And then ther

prisoner. I owe a duty to my backbone, which is sore from these rocks; an

, certainly. And when, then, is a town easiest to capture? Just after it has bee

re will be one?"

w ther

afternoon. She came back wearing a strange look of triumph, and asked me if I r

en we need her most. If you knew the code and could ge

off and

er," she said. "If the one comes down before

k in the cottage at Penzance, with not

ust outside the machine-gun aperture, and we ate what I believe are termed emergency rations. By that time it

of the cellar, and Tish led the way

d. "The moment he hears a racket in the street he will

cket?" I

ully. I joined her, and we could make out what seemed to be a platform above, and we distinctly saw a

hatever it is!" she said scornfully but

lves hastily, and Tish watched him go out and into a cellar across the street, where she said she was convinced they were serving

oner. But finally the truth dawned on us that he had temporarily deserted his post. Tish took immediate advantage of his absence to prepare to ascen

e," she said, "capture him, but don't sh

th her usual agility. However, she returned considerably so

e I don't know, unless he thought I was the other one. But I've fixed him," she added with a ti

ved that cutting the ladder necess

guess my life's at stake as

next to the church, and some of them cross themselves. The frying pan seems to have started it, and when the knapsack disappeared-- However, here's my plan, Lizzie. From what I have obs

Tish," I said. "But wh

ly waved

n a handle like a hand sewing machine. As soon as you hear me starting it you leave the church by that shell hole at the back and go as rapidly as pos

I say, Tish?

rget the way she

aptured the town of V-- and that the

d various painful thoughts of Aggie added to my uneasiness. Nor was my perturbation decreased by the re?ntrance of the lookout some half hour after he had gone out. Conce

not call to the other man, c

sh. But she was confident that she had heard one, and

om their kind," she said, "to become violently embi

or some time. During the search the enemy was close to us a number of times, and had not one of them stepped on the nail wh

he enemy, and the search for us had ceased. By Tish's instructions I kept to back ways, throwing a grenade here and there to indicate that the attack was a strong one, and also firing my revolver. On hearing the firing behind them t

d had I not had the presence of mind to shout "Kamerad," which I ha

es a soldier called out: "Damned if the

ry rude manner. When I insisted that he let me go the man who

Come here! The boches have t

We've taken V--, and I must see

you?" he said. He then turned a light on me and said:

ry has taken

ll he said; and we sta

neral was sitting, and both Charlie Sands and Mr. Burton were there, looking worried

esponsible for three erratic spinsters. They are

they were prisoners would they be sig

ou mean to tell me that with that town full of Germans

a piece of paper

a connected message. Allowing for corrections and for the fact that the light was growing dim, as though from an overused battery, the m

time, to think that our dear Tish ha


sense of humor, but you may find it funny. Captain Sands to continue under arrest for last night's escapade

urton said angrily. "I'll capture the

e to tell you that you may come over at any time and plant the flag. The signaling is be

t I cannot publish

of historical record I shall not describe t

re. It was also extremely difficult to rescue Aggie, as at first she persisted in firing through the floor of the platform the moment she heard any one ascending.

or them at the Café de Paris, and Mr. Burton told us that we were all to have the Croix de Guerre. He insisted on ordering cham

and said: "The ladder was

r?" Tish as

as standing on. And

er, when she felt a sneezing spell coming on. So seeing a doorway she slipped in, and she sneezed for about five minutes.

n the firing stopped in the streets a soldier ran down the stairs and almost touched her. A moment later she heard him coming back, so she climbed up ahead and got out on

en morning came I was up beside the weather vane, and a sniper from our lines m

man side, and the sentry couldn't see her from the balcony. Then at last, the next evening, she heard him go

ed at me

ut who can account for the instinc

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