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Don Vittorio

Chapter 2 TWO

Word Count: 3385    |    Released on: 15/05/2023

en mortgaged two years ago to help her only brother, Jason, who after the sudden death of his father, had gone astray and been arrested for operating in illegal gambling. These we

d the full value of the house in interest, the manager simply said that because it was an

e in full. That doesn't seem very fair, does it?",

ife isn't always fair.", Answered the manager with a

enough...," Ellis replied putting the

jobs: the first was as a realtor, which was for the mortgage and the house, and the other was a waitress, and the money went to the rehabilitation clinic, where her bro

d face, nor the young woman who serves her with a look of disgust every time she goes to pay the installments. However, today seemed like an incredibly special day. The sky was blue witho

notices that it is crowded. It was too good to be true, thought Ellis as she drove slowly through the lot, looking for any sign t

in the glove compartment, started her vehicle, and drove to the parking space, letting her car go a little becaus

the space. The young brown-haired woman then decides to look in the rearview mirror and sees two men in suits get out of the vehicl

continued walking without caring about her. Ellis quic

ed toward Ellis, serious. However, not only did he turn, but he walked towards Ellis, who did not seem to be intimidated by the thug that breathed close to his face, like an animal. An animal that the

alling us?" the

n dodged the bully and turned to the other bully wh

orielle.", Ordered the lou

n this parking lot that you will bitterly regret it. ", S

an as he placed his hand inside his gray suit, "We'

is suit and then with it also came a g

nterrupted by the gesture of the man w

aused by Rocco putting his car in the spot that you say is you

ng to hold the money. After all, who would give a bundle that shoul

't need your money,"

to be so proud, young lady,"

b, it seems you don't kn

is wristwatch and then continued by saying, "Look, as much as I am enjoying this strange conv

ner of the wad o

r classes on how to live in society,

by Rocco and Lord Amorielle. The brute turned to the man in

I will disappear with th

coming up. The Brutamontes stared at him without understanding and then he continued sayin

e elevator being watched by Ellis who


ger who opened his arms and smiled toward

manager's forehead indicated nervousness or fear. Also, who wouldn't be afraid of running into none other than the newest head of the Amorielle family, the same family that for decades had always ke

til Vittorio took over his family, sho

e manager asked while tryin

ied quietly as he rummaged through

ed the manage

e. Or maybe Mr. Vittorio did have a meeting scheduled, but with the management, or directly with Domenico Wild, the owner. He could even take a chance and ask

you didn't expect me to be here

with his tie that seemed to tighten his throat. He extended his a

the first move, making the manager even more nervou

co," Rocco orde

Franco who then proce

allows, followed by Rocco and lastly V

ned his secretary who kept showing off to Vittorio, "Please, no matt

efore winking at Vittorio who completely ignor

n Franco closed the door, praying


nd to me?", Ellis questioned, d

ll touching up her red lipstick. After all, you never know wh

ing Cristine the appointment paper. She wanted

paper and then in a few seconds l

k in the morning and now it's five minut

ce and I was forced to park a block away because of the t

. Come back tomorrow, dear," Cri

last installment is due today and

en closer to the young woman giving her hope that she will speak on her behalf, "You shou

ng spaces!", Ellis spoke aloud, "However, since they are

advancing into Franco's office and was surprised by the pres

Vittorio and continued to squawk, "It wasn't enough to steal

standing up, " Please don't disr

damn if they're distinguished!", Ellis

drag on his cigar and then let the smoke spread in the room, which made the brunette even

ered by the Blonde, "Why is Miss Barker in my

ker missed her appointment," Cristi

diot," Ellis corrected, pointing at Vittorio. She then

d by putting his hand inside his suit. He

lis who was surprised by the man's black eyes. For some reason, she had imagi

siness," Ellis r

inforced Vittorio after taking a deep brea

a small pocket where she kept all her salary. Franco nodded to Cristine who begrudgingly

later and send it to your e-

now," Ellis

it later," Franco repeat

t the term in hand.", Said Ellis

said quietly as he went b

Franco leaving the room with his secretary

Vittorio commented,

ortant...," Ellis commented

no one had ever dared to question his power and influence. He was so annoyed that he stood up, straightening

ear to me.", Ellis claimed to face Vittorio, " After all

not supposed to come out of his lips. At least he managed to control his hand in time to k

Vittorio. She walked over to the window, where she stared at

an't buy?", Vittorio challenge

street. She came across a couple in love kissing leanin

quire.", Vittorio replied approaching Ellis

as because Rocco was almost twice the size of his boss. But him

d trying not to stutter," Have

ng his cigar, "Anything else? Is there so

, with this cologne invading the brunette's nose would make her feel intimidated, he was very wrong

if by the shiver that from Ellis' lips so clos

u forget?", Ellis reminded him as he walked away, "

e, Miss Barker?", Vitt

lips opened slowly,

e. He held out the paper to the young woman who approached him

continued reading the document calmly. When she f

lmost lost the house." She turned toward Lord Amori

ng for an answer leaving Vittorio watchi

ng to his desk, "Oh yes, you said you

his woman?", Vittorio

nderstand your question,

e, who is she? What doe

," Franco explained cautiously, "Our bank has a policy of

uished clients.", Vittorio recalled straightenin

express order from the board of directors," Franco spoke, fiddl

the bank, can I have access?

anco asked

ld have access, correct?

co replied offering a dull smile as he thought about the prepotenc

ranco's eyes widen, "Analyzing, it's always good to have con

k... You can't buy it here... I mean... I d

?" asked


as to authorize


ttorio repli

ached with his cell phone already dialin

the line," Rocco ordered, w

his face turns pale, " Mister Domenico... are you sure? O

sked crumpling his c

ager stared at Vittorio still not believing what his next words would

ract.", Vittorio asked wi

cco who stayed on the line until he heard

is face closer to Franco and then sai

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1 Chapter 1 ONE2 Chapter 2 TWO3 Chapter 3 THREE4 Chapter 4 FOUR5 Chapter 5 FIVE6 Chapter 6 SIX7 Chapter 7 Waiting for a Miracle.8 Chapter 8 Missing Brother's Whereabouts.9 Chapter 9 Barker's Community Service.10 Chapter 10 Giuseppe's Visit11 Chapter 11 Murders and Connections12 Chapter 12 Confusing Suspicions13 Chapter 13 Ellis asked about Amorielle.14 Chapter 14 Full Package: Pleasure15 Chapter 15 Waxing Woes16 Chapter 16 Relationship progresses rapidly17 Chapter 17 Contract Clash18 Chapter 18 Antenuptial Contract19 Chapter 19 Negotiating office entry.20 Chapter 20 Stuttering Marriage Pro21 Chapter 21 Eleonora's Shocking Revelation22 Chapter 22 Mother's Defense, Ellis' Contract...23 Chapter 23 Contract Kiss Challenge24 Chapter 24 Mise en Place Lesson25 Chapter 25 Love disagreements.26 Chapter 26 Lies and Deception.27 Chapter 27 Grecco's Absence Concerns Vittorio28 Chapter 28 Vittorio's Reaction to Ellis's Compliments29 Chapter 29 Business and illusions.30 Chapter 30 Lost Bride's Black Dress31 Chapter 31 Intriguing and mysterious marriage.32 Chapter 32 Mr. and Mrs. Amorielle33 Chapter 33 Rivalry at Elegant Event.34 Chapter 34 Grecco35 Chapter 35 Night at The Mark.36 Chapter 36 Updated Marriage Contract.37 Chapter 37 Unveiled Desires38 Chapter 38 Palpable tension between them.39 Chapter 39 Ex-fiancée reveals secrets40 Chapter 40 Extra deposit raises suspicions.41 Chapter 41 Adapting to Amorielle Customs.42 Chapter 42 Seeking the Truth.43 Chapter 43 Vittorio's Striptease.44 Chapter 44 Introducing the Amorielle Family45 Chapter 45 Marriage Boundaries: Symbolic Sheet46 Chapter 46 Mafia's Impact Revealed47 Chapter 47 Ellis's Shopping Dilemma48 Chapter 48 Vittorio's hidden life revealed49 Chapter 49 Discussing the past50 Chapter 50 Arrival at Park Hyatt.51 Chapter 51 Art Challenge.52 Chapter 52 Evening in Milan53 Chapter 53 Passione54 Chapter 54 Negotiations55 Chapter 55 Show me56 Chapter 56 Betrayal and Revenge57 Chapter 57 Vittorio's Revenge. I58 Chapter 58 Vittorio's Revenge II59 Chapter 59 Vittorio's Revenge III60 Chapter 60 The Shocking Revelation61 Chapter 61 Turbulent Love, Silent Distance62 Chapter 62 The Thin Line of Loyalty63 Chapter 63 A Game of Shadows and Love64 Chapter 64 Bound by Loyalties65 Chapter 65 A Twist of Fate66 Chapter 66 In the Shadow of Contracts67 Chapter 67 Contractual Crossroads68 Chapter 68 Lost in Uncertainty69 Chapter 69 A Passionate Union70 Chapter 70 Bound by Love and Desire71 Chapter 71 Fragments of a Love War72 Chapter 72 A Balancing Act of Love and Loyalty73 Chapter 73 Unveiling Alliances: A Meeting with the Yakuza74 Chapter 74 Secrets in the Nightclub75 Chapter 75 Passionate Desires and Family Affairs76 Chapter 76 Vittorio's Dilemma77 Chapter 77 Ellis' Awakening78 Chapter 78 A Conversation Between Hearts79 Chapter 79 A Passionate Encounter in the Office80 Chapter 80 Love Beyond the Contract81 Chapter 81 Navigating Elegance and Secrets: Ellis' Japanese Dinner Challenge82 Chapter 82 Ellis Faces the Yakuza Leader83 Chapter 83 Ellis Amorielle's Test of Loyalty84 Chapter 84 Power Games and Hidden Desires85 Chapter 85 The Family's Divide: Jason's Revelation and Ellis's Loyalty86 Chapter 86 Antonietta's Confrontation and Jason's Decision87 Chapter 87 Secrets, Trust, and Farewells88 Chapter 88 Seduction in the Shadows89 Chapter 89 A Dangerous Game Begins90 Chapter 90 Unseen Trails91 Chapter 91 Unseen Consequences92 Chapter 92 A Dangerous Mission93 Chapter 93 High-Stakes Seduction94 Chapter 94 The Act95 Chapter 95 Intentions96 Chapter 96 Man in love97 Chapter 97 Go to hell, Jason Barker!98 Chapter 98 On the other side of the ocean...99 Chapter 99 Boss's life100 Chapter 100 Would she ever be able to love him as much as he loved her