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The Dawson Clan (English)

Chapter 9 Striking Difference Part 1

Word Count: 1556    |    Released on: 16/05/2023

ing. They played war and heard the sound of their screams and laughter. It was obvious they enjoyed ea

that was tightly closed so that sunlight couldn't get in. Occasionally he smiled when the three children laughed loudly. H

e hut was always dark because the windows were always covered with curtains which prevented sunlight from coming in. Only candlelight provid

orning like now, it was not unusual for his mother to leave him alone. Every morning


y made Cliff look towards the door. He smiled happily

ara who saw him immediately squatted down to match her son

shook his head. He grabbed Clara's right hand and led her towards the window. Clara frowned in surp

. Clara was touched to see him and at the same time, she felt sad an

" she said, stroking his

ara wanted to shed tears hearing her son's request. But she couldn't grant his wish. The sun was shin

him the bag of animal blood she was carrying in her hand. Meanwhile, Cl

ant to eat, I want to play

ly bow down. For the first time since Cliff was born, Clara snapped at him like this making Clara feel very

ust Mother." Clara spoke softl

ay with them? Why am I always locked up here?" Cliff stared at his mother sharply, making Clara flinch because, f

ou have to do what Mother says!!" Again .

hich made Clara's heart pinch. It hurt so much when h

ther's residence, Cliff desperately ran towards the door intending to get out because he knew that the

sed his eyes in shock to see his mother who wanted to hit him just because he wanted to go out to play

Cliff turn towards the owner of the voice, who was none other than Celin. Clara lowered the hand that had been rai

shouted accom

ying?" Celin returned his grandson's h

randmother, who instantly made Celin stare at Clara. Her

With Clara's short answer, Celin was able to guess Clara's curre

our mother's orders. Granny always

Cliff whined still accompanied by sobs. Celin looked sadly at her gra

veral toys in the form of small cars which made Cliff smile with joy when he saw them. His sobs disappeared and were

e was very sorry for her son, a simple request that she could not fulfill it. Celin who saw

softly but still could

patient with it. We have to do this for his good." Clara lifted her h

lara or Celin did go to the farm to collect blood that had been set aside by one of the employees there. Something they have been doing regularly for seven years. The first

arge glass. She walked over to Cliff who was busy playing

liff turn his head and without hesitation took the glass filled with blood. He gulped

nly two people that are known by Cliff, namely his mother, and grandmother. Only the two of them alwa

. But a terrible thought crossed her mind, can she raise her son until he grows up? What will happen to her son when he grows up? It seemed impossible for her to hide his true iden

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1 Chapter 1 PROLOGUE 2 Chapter 2 Forbidden Forest 3 Chapter 3 The Beginning of Suffering Part 14 Chapter 4 The Beginning of Suffering Part 25 Chapter 5 Vampire Baby Part 16 Chapter 6 Vampire Baby Part 27 Chapter 7 Dangerous Decision Part 18 Chapter 8 Dangerous Decision Part 29 Chapter 9 Striking Difference Part 110 Chapter 10 Striking Difference Part 211 Chapter 11 Why Different Part 112 Chapter 12 Why Different Part 213 Chapter 13 Escape Part 114 Chapter 14 Escape Part 215 Chapter 15 Leaving the Village Part 116 Chapter 16 Leaving the Village Part 217 Chapter 17 Will From Mother Part 118 Chapter 18 Will From Mother Part 219 Chapter 19 Revenge Intentions Part 120 Chapter 20 Revenge Intentions Part 221 Chapter 21 Determination to Make Amends22 Chapter 22 Facts About the Vampire Nation Part 123 Chapter 23 Facts About the Vampire Nation Part 224 Chapter 24 Temporary Separation Part 125 Chapter 25 Temporary Separation Part 226 Chapter 26 Torture Part 1 27 Chapter 27 Torture Part 2 28 Chapter 28 Torture Part 3 29 Chapter 29 Cruel Stepmother Part 130 Chapter 30 Cruel Stepmother Part 231 Chapter 31 Assassination Plan Part 132 Chapter 32 Assassination Plan Part 233 Chapter 33 Liars Part 134 Chapter 34 Liars Part 235 Chapter 35 Shocking Reality Part 136 Chapter 36 Shocking Reality Part 237 Chapter 37 Reasons Not To Fall In Love Part 138 Chapter 38 Reasons Not To Fall In Love Part 239 Chapter 39 Frozen heart Part 140 Chapter 40 Frozen heart Part 241 Chapter 41 Investigation Plan Part 142 Chapter 42 Investigation Plan Part 243 Chapter 43 The End of the Life of a Cliff Dawson Part 144 Chapter 44 The End of the Life of a Cliff Dawson Part 245 Chapter 45 No Longer Family Part 146 Chapter 46 No Longer Family Part 247 Chapter 47 Revenge Ambition Part 148 Chapter 48 Revenge Ambition Part 249 Chapter 49 Black Shaddow Part 150 Chapter 50 Black Shaddow Part 251 Chapter 51 Revenge Begins Part 152 Chapter 52 Revenge Begins Part 253 Chapter 53 The Downfall of the Dawson Clan Part 154 Chapter 54 The Downfall of the Dawson Clan Part 255 Chapter 55 New Massacre of Vampires Part 156 Chapter 56 New Massacre of Vampires Part 257 Chapter 57 Unrequited Love Part 158 Chapter 58 Unrequited Love Part 259 Chapter 59 Next Target Part 1 60 Chapter 60 Next Target Part 2 61 Chapter 61 Judgment Part 162 Chapter 62 Judgment Part 263 Chapter 63 No Excuses Part 164 Chapter 64 No Excuses Part 265 Chapter 65 Cunning Way Part 166 Chapter 66 Cunning Way Part 267 Chapter 67 Rose Dawson's death Part 168 Chapter 68 Rose Dawson's death Part 269 Chapter 69 Craziest Enemy Part 170 Chapter 70 Craziest Enemy Part 271 Chapter 71 The Last Target Part 172 Chapter 72 The Last Target Part 273 Chapter 73 Mysterious Man Part 174 Chapter 74 Mysterious Man Part 275 Chapter 75 Confusing Awkwardness Part 176 Chapter 76 Confusing Awkwardness Part 277 Chapter 77 Growing Feelings Part 178 Chapter 78 Growing Feelings Part 279 Chapter 79 Beautiful Memories Together Part 180 Chapter 80 Beautiful Memories Together Part 281 Chapter 81 Agreement Agreed Part 182 Chapter 82 Agreement Agreed Part 283 Chapter 83 A Father's Sacrifice Part 184 Chapter 84 A Father's Sacrifice Part 285 Chapter 85 Late Regrets 86 Chapter 86 Contest Winner Part 187 Chapter 87 Contest Winner Part 288 Chapter 88 Wrong Marriage Part 189 Chapter 89 Wrong Marriage Part 290 Chapter 90 First Time Unification Part 191 Chapter 91 First Time Unification Part 292 Chapter 92 Baby Monsters Part 193 Chapter 93 Baby Monsters Part 294 Chapter 94 Farewell Forever Part 195 Chapter 95 Farewell Forever Part 296 Chapter 96 New beginning Part 197 Chapter 97 New beginning Part 298 Chapter 98 EPILOGUE I99 Chapter 99 EPILOGUE II