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Grandes High School (Leslie)

Chapter 5 Susan Part 5

Word Count: 2829    |    Released on: 16/05/2023

to be able to have a pleasant school life ma

reepy toilet where yesterday I met the ghost. To be honest,

e. As long as I'm here, y

my courage. That's right, I was acco

ee her? Is

ecause the ghost's figur

that, this time I also heard strange noises in this place. I strain my ears and I'm sure the strange sound is coming from the roof. I slowly looked up, how surprised I was when


ared, also squatted down and hug

asked, panicking too w

as crawling on

as pointing, from her normal expression,

ore, the ghost stared at me intently. She floated closer to me until she was standin

oooo... don't

and finally landed on top of my head. The ghost was touching my head. The pain in my head was so tormenting me. U

class is similar to my class, but I'm sure this is not my class because I don't recognize some of the students who are in this

ose face was quite familiar. The student was a girl, her long flowing hair. Has a very pretty face. I'm sure I've seen

saw in the toilet, the ghost's face that I saw in the toilet was covered with blood and her skin was very pale. But the face of the g

. Come with u

t is

ry a

refuse but the two girls viciously grabbed Susan's hair and forced her to follow them. I tried to prevent them, tried to touch t

ow is follow t

oilets. The toilet I go to now looks clean and smells good. It's very different from the condition of this toilet when I first

ive us you

guys always ask me for money even though you

ink we don't know that you are an enter

this?" Susan was crying, but the two girls cont

news to spread, quickl

o money anymore.

uelly. One of them grabbed Susan's

oo cruel. Poor her." s

l like her be pitied? S

Susan so hard that her head hit the wall. It seemed that Susan's impact was so hard that bl

. lest s

e you che

She approached Susan who was lying on the flo

live right?" Jessica aske

g, her eyes widened an

ica, who couldn'

dead ... she's


Jess? I don't wan

king about, how c

ad, Jess. You

olved. Because we both brought her here. Y

ause you asked me." A

and glared at each other. Until the party that finally averted

g will happen, ever


king her cell phone

ovels, bricks, and cement as well... don't ask too

person named James on the phone just n

ou watch ove


't let a single person enter

rried away as ins

he put Susan's body behind the wall. Then, the wall was covered again with bricks, and cement and given the same

hiding Susan's body behind the wall

Reflex I closed my eyes and when I slowly opened my eyes again, now I see another sight. I was on a lone

en she would look back. Not long ago, Ann suddenly shouted. She ran fast. At first, I didn't understand Ann's behavior. However, when I looked in the direction Ann had been staring at

ision started to blur. This time I didn't close my eyes, I kept

a bright room because of the light. If you look at the objects in this room, there's no mistake that I'm in a room. I don't know whose room this is. My question was answered as soon as I saw Jessica's figur

e ran in fright, intending to get out of the room but struggled to open the door. I was surprised by Jessica's behavior until I finally understood the situation she was in when I saw the blanket Jessica was wearing earlier suddenly expand, slowly

ied Jessica by the door. Susan's ghost got closer to Jessica until her f

t kill me!" she asked

couldn't possibly stay silent watching that, I ran intending to approach Jessica. However, sud


opened my eyes and what I found was Teac

I rolled my eye

e investigating ghosts in this toilet? suddenly you

toilet. Had I returned to the present af

ed about what ju

at happened

s no reason to keep this a secret, and without hesitation, I told Mrs. Angi

you her past." Angie argued

re such

urself. Maybe this is the cause of her spirit being restless and u

ll we do

out the two women who k

ngie kept running until she stopped when she arrived in front of a room. If you look at the nameplate

who I estimated to be in his

Sorry for disturbing your ti

e. What's up co

earlier. From the Headmaster's enthusiastic reacti

ng for something, then he brought a ver

your place." He said while hold

ok is th

he biodata of students who

ook?" Angie looked hesitant

t be able to unravel all the mysteries and be able to r

Mrs. Angie to accept the book. Understanding my sign, Mrs. Angie finally said

ounding fast when Mrs. Angie started to open her book. That's rig

nd the two women mu

ngie, so I just stay sil

wingly I chuckled impatiently because I had not found the photos of the three people. When I arrived at the next page that Mrs. Angie opened, I immediat

in this school about three year

lled her must be not far f

to Susan's bio page. Until finally I found a photo of

pointing at the two biodata that was indeed on adjac

y have their home phone numbers listed here, l

ce to hand over this matter to Mrs. Angie, even though I know the truth b

elped a lot. Well, l

ng in Mrs. Angie's car. On the way, without me asking, Mrs. Angie was kind enough to buy me fo

ady screaming and begging to be filled. After cleaning myself, there's nothing I do anymore besides

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