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My Lover Is A Demigod

Chapter 5 Lies

Word Count: 1683    |    Released on: 18/05/2023

items, from lockers to flower vases and paintings for the princess chambers. Frankly I would have preferred the Princess to stay els

marriage preparation can begin. During these 40 days I'm supposed to court her a

thing tells me that she might have romantic ambitions considering she is so young. She is

ies, "Your Majesty, have mercy." Her fear penetrates into my senses making me dizzy. This is why I don't like to relate with humans most of the times, their emotio

oks up at me and her energy insta

our majesty,"

hat; it is within my power to call on lightening, but why would I? Most palace workers are too perfect to be interesting, they all act the same. When they are not scared of me

g by the door. We have spent four days together now and she haven't realized that I'm the king. I don't know why I'm putting so much effort into keeping it from her when it is absolute

n to it like birds are drawn to flying or humans are drawn to believing in gods. E

er tears. I always restrain myself from touching her. I imagine that touching her would be like jumping into the sea on a hot summer day; the water w

rom her. Marrying Princess Deze is my duty to my father and now also my duty to the kingdom. Princess Deze is the daugh

all my life I had always lived by

ades out completely befo


te of it all I'm putting on my best smile because according to Madam Iwin palace maid

rooms I'm supposed to remember. I wonder if Madam Iwin ever gets tired. For her age she sh

she walks; her feet seem to float without

ed with a green wallpaper that has trees and flowers drawn into it. The west wall is designed with a similar green wallpaper but with painted green rubies. A crystal ornament hangs in the middle of the ceiling, catching the sunlight and giving off a beautiful sparkle. On the south wall is a

things," Madam Iwin commanded, interr

or. I guess it is normal for belongi

said, as if daring me to say no. I nodded, hoping that I wo

from me. He never talks much about himself and avoids most questions I ask him. Especially the ones about his family. He has an enigmatic air about him. From his face he seems to be no m

about meeting him this evening. I should

ors hoping I will find my way to my room. I'm passing a corridor that is brightly lit with candles when I see a gilt portrait on the wall; its fra

t me but I can not accept it. The skin, the eyes, the shoulders, the jawline, the cheek bones. Kibi I thought. I close the space between th

more I made excuses for myself, the more I knew the truth. That same broodin

ut all I know is that I'm n

ing vegetables around the plate, not lis

he least thing I want to think about is the future wife of Kibi, King Zao. The whole thing sounds so ridicu

us but excite

ill do just fine"

oka can already read me easily. I certainly do not want any probing from her. Even if I want to tell h

unch, trying to laugh or smile at all

void any conversation with Soka that mi

en he didn't see me. He probably felt disappointed at not

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