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In Love With The Lycan King

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 992    |    Released on: 18/05/2023

around me still lingered in my mind.I postured myself quickly as I came face to face with a bloodshot eyes of Travis, if only looks could kill I should be six feet under by now cause his gaze i

r is he putting up an act here?" I thought inwardly still confused on his sudden behaviour."I think am talking to people over here right?" He th

s side to inquire what went wrong with her.I felt betrayed, used. I tried keeping the tears that threatened to flow like a river down my eyes but all effort went to drain as they started

and attention he gave to Nikini my half sister, made those at the gala party wondering who I was to the alpha initially.The shame and embarrassment was

ery tightly to itself. I came out of my illusion as I felt the sparks again, I looked up to behold the two pair of blue eyes which held nothing but love and affection in it.I adjusted myself

r the fact that he had the audacity to cheat on me with my half sister and still showed it to me and to the world then let the worst happened."Yes!!! And I'll say that a million times you ungrateful bitch" he spat out angrily.Well that's it..... that's the last straw that broke

who he was."Is this how much he cares about Nikini?" I asked myself."Did you just poke my chest?" Alexander asked him, looking so furious as ever."And I'll do that millions of times if you dare raise your voice at her" he snapped at him angrily.I've never in my life for the past three years been with him,seen him so furious before...... like his veins were popping out of his neck, eyes almost bulging out of its socket.I tried moving close to them so they wouldn't fight but Nikini started her crazy acts and the gala night turned to a battlefield."Wait a minute, are you rejecting your Luna publicly?" He asked him calmly again but yet dan

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