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Chapter 4 Nightmare

Word Count: 1000    |    Released on: 03/06/2023


ather it was for them.I remembered that Kate warned

o that I can hear what

help everybody."I h

my girlfriend an

ust want his head in m

if he is going to

ll her she is not that important

tried sayi

r and your girlfri

o you are choosing

o do am trapped inside here running away won't be

clue of their plans, when we leave

need a

can call me beth ."I said t

and a really sexy body."He

o ..."I whispe

his pocket ,it would

nodody come there."He

g him ,I could see th

ess you ."I asked

."He said ,the bulge in

ut I need a weapon

I whispered in his ea

d ,quickly i removed the knife from his

tle bit bigger when I removed

y to get me injured do you."I

incess."He just cl

in his heart and his lungs and

e easy death, they

now."I said removing t

e the knives

d jack so that i won't

he mission so we are

sked acting

murdered in his room."he

ho killed him."I sai

and he was found in am awkward posit

now."He said h

t to him."I said trying

its one of the

d the person

train their guards so its no news

s not

,lets not keep Mr Salv

is car while Mr Salvador was

uilding is in a hidden location and you ca

ving I want to pe

said without

against your rules."I

et me infor

."He told me after


gs please help me.."I shouted s

u beth."he

sound di

m coming to get

the others.

hen you can call the others."I s

am co

when he comes i would stab him in his

e i pretend

ethany."He asked

isted my ankl

is chest and his legs ,He fall

expect me

ping you remember."he said blood wi

u can guys ca

fool then kill

t i wan-t-ed."he sai

ling you because o

ll love her ."H

the air so that i can attract their attention.Ma

ey claim to be strong but they are afra

ergency number, he didn't harm me yet i k

get to liv

e easy I need to leave

p th

see where the voi

mare standing

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