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The last Spellcaster

Chapter 2 The monster

Word Count: 1041    |    Released on: 20/05/2023

ng watched. Every rustle of the leaves, every snap of a twig, sent a chill down his sp

freeze in his tracks. It was a low grow

his chest. He had never fought a monster

ad ever seen before. It was a monster, its skin as blac

igh. The monster roared, its jaws snap

effort. The blade met the monster's skin with a clang

uble. He had never faced a creature this powerful before,

ough the air. The monster dodged out of th

bling back. The monster adva

hen, something strange happened. A burst of energy shot

of power behind his strike. The blade sliced throu

ning roar, and then it crum

weating. He couldn't believe what had just h

blood run cold. It was the sound of clapp

nd that's when he saw her. A woman, stand

with sarcasm. "But don't get too full of yoursel

had no idea who this woman was, but he

sked, trying to kee

ll and lean, with piercing green eyes and jet-black hair. She

atching you, Kael. You have potential. But you are

ly, still gripping


of the Last Spellcaster, of course," she said. "The challenges

pellcaster, a powerful magic user who had vanished years ago. Bu

have to do?

id. "Just find the other magic users, defeat the dark force

verwhelmed. "How am I supposed

out," she said. "But I'll give you a hint. Y

d no idea where to find other magic users,

I start?

aid. "You get to figure that out on your own. But I'll give you a little

into the shadows, leaving

elt so overwhelmed in his life. He had been thrust into a position of power and responsibility tha

e as to where he should go next. But there was not

knew that he couldn't do this alone.

them? And how could he c

t discovered them. He had no idea how to control the

And he knew exactl

grown up. The village was nestled in the heart of the

where he had first discovered his powers, and where he h

n old woman lived in a small hut. She was known throughout the village

r, and the old woman

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