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My Friend Prospero

My Friend Prospero


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 2386    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

Prospero," sa


heir frames. He had heard an approaching patter of feet on the pavement of the room beyond; and then Annunziata's littl

everywhere for you,

commiserated her. "A

ata, bearing on the tense.

you? Where

h a disdainful movement

e is a mighty evasive bird. For, suppose we were elsewhere,

resolution. "Where a perso

carried his here with him,

it is," said Ann

onfusing it," said he. "Well, have you your report, drawn up, signed, sea

stioned Annunziat

I caught you yesterday red-han

ziata. "Her name

coming nam

nice," said

very nice

s and ten months old,"

le-aged as that

e is an


siting the Signora Brandi. On

" What familiar German name, at the back of his memory, did it half

ve a gesture

he said. "You sound

there are degrees of unbirth, is eve

aid Annunzia

the aristocracy,

e are noble," s

why you and I should be th

th a shrug of her little grey sho

ked John. "Anyhow," he impressiv

her you are noble or simple,-God makes you so,-you cannot help it. If I were n

rance assures you that I

ucted him, "you would never be such fr


the same principle of judgment to your gossip, Maria Dolores.

What is that?"

l have a Pagan name, come by in the way of the flesh, to round it off with,-just as, for instance, a certain

urprised. "Casalone? Th

hn. "Yours wil

s. "Maria Dolores did not tell

to judge also a little by the frocks she wears) in rather a large way of business, who (to judge finally by her cultivated voice, her knowledge of langua

y"-she tilted upwards her inquisitive little profile-

n the suburbs of Vienna, and devotes his leisure to the propagation of orchids: yet all the while a miller. By miller I mean a member of the Bourgeoisie: a man who, though he be well to do, well educated, well bred, does not bear coat-armour, and is

she turned them slowly upon John, and he saw from their expression that at last she was coming to what for her (as he had known all along) was the real preoccupation of the moment.

took his courage in both hands, and she plunged. "What have you brought for me from Roccadoro?" And after one glance of half-ba

pink face, and sea-blue eyes, lighted up, m

" he said. "I arrived

g breath, and looked up again. "You have brought me something, all the same," she declare

said. "If one can't buy, beg, or borrow,

im with misgiving. "Oh, no; you

ved," said he. "What would yo

chocolate cigars," she said, her fa

ours perdrix," said John. "Do yo

t," she answered, in

after all," John laughed. "Well,

le white forehead furrowed. "Stole?"

, brazenly, no

ong," said Annunziata

t belonged to, and she made no effort to defend her property. Seeing which, I even went so far as to explain to her why I was stealing it. 'There's a young limb o' mischief with a sweet tooth

-drawn Oh of relief. "Then you di

nscience-if you feel that you can conscientiously receive i

olding out her hands, and dancing u

ner. I'm not going to be a party to the sp

ta's brow. "Oh," she grieved, "

" sai

"Would it be bad of me," she asked,

d bootless. You'd find me

iata, a deep and tremulou

esh interest. She looked round the room, she looked out of the window. "

ion. To-day began for me with a t

sionating him, and, at the same ti

ly murmured. "What was it

certain person whom, for reasons connected with my dignity, I wished to impress. But it was love's labour lost.

room again. "What is there

. His hand swept t

, following his gesture.

tudying the soft-coloured canvases. "Besides

at him with solemn meaning. "They are very pretty-but t

d John, astonishe

with a slow sh

no one's looking, do you think they come down from the

atory, perhaps. We should pray for them." She made, in parenthesis as it were, a pious sign of the Cross. "Some are perhaps already in Heaven. We should ask their pra

"what is it that people me

, and I will tell you." She seated herself on the big round ottoman, and

ondering what could

continued earnestly, "when there was w

" sai

aves of gold and silver, and the houses were like fairy palaces, and there were strange lights, red and blue, and there were great garlands of the most beautiful flowers, and the people were like angels, with gems and shining clothes. Well, you understand, at first we had only seen one side of the scene;-then click! everything was turned round, and we saw the other side. That is

n at her, with a kind of grave laughter in his eyes, admiring, considering. Wha

ata jum

cer there than here. There are lots of cockchafers. Besides"-she h

e. But go you to the garden, by all means. And if you do meet Maria Dolore

ng towards the door. "I'll see you at d

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