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Taken By The Lycan King

Taken By The Lycan King


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1584    |    Released on: 24/05/2023

I just stood there like a statute, unmoving. "Come on, Nadine," Dominic chuckled as he moved closer to me, "are you in that much shock? You're not

been at it since I was sixteen and now, 8 years later, I've redesigned the city and all but the architectural structures never changed. The initial plan that came to my head the first time I thought about the city 8 years ago was still the one in my head. Strangely, I've never been able to think of a better plan, of the city looking better than it did in that first plan. The plan for Eden City was what made me study architecture with a minor in estate development in college because I just knew that I had to make it into a reality no matter what it takes. It did take a lot because from the minute I started working in Andron Homes, the best real estate development company in Crescent Valley, I've started pitching the idea of Eden City to my superiors but they always turned it down. It never made sense to me why they wouldn't want to develop Eden City because it was the best thing that'd ever happen to Crescent Valley and I wasn't even joking. It was going to be an Ultra-Modern City and it was going to put us on the global map as the best city ever but they just kept rejecting it, no matter how much I fleshened out my proposal and made it more beautiful, they always reject it. There were lots of times when Dominic, my direct boss would advise me to just give it up and focus on more feasible projects but Eden City was so dear to me that I couldn't give it up, it was inconceivable for me to let go of my childhood dreams just like that. So I just continued to work on it, to develop it more. I ended up befriending one of the higher-ups just to find out why exactly my proposal was getting trashed every single time even though it was a very brilliant proposal and she was the one that told me the reason why. Apparently, the town councilor has the final say on all the developments that were going on in Crescent Valley and if he should say no to a proposal, there was no way it'd see the light of the day. What I didn't know all this while was that most of the directors at the company were actually approving of my proposal but some of the directors that have close ties with the councilor, Mr. George were the ones rejecting it. And then, Mr. George himself. I wondered why that was happening but it goes without saying that this Mr. George must have had one reason why he was rejecting my proposal so I made it a priority to seek him out and ask him why. I was unable to meet Mr. George until two months after that day because all my efforts to see him proved futile. All my requests to see him in his office were turned so the minute I saw him on a dinner night that was hosted by our company, I knew I had to seek him out. "Oh, so you're the

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