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Fatal Attraction: Falling In Love With The Target

Chapter 5 Riverfront Club

Word Count: 3448    |    Released on: 20/07/2023

ok after him for two days, and that responsibility fell on me. Once I finished the handover, I made my way back to Dylan's office. Upon entering, I found him s

ively as he perused the assortm

ired, "Do you require my

ly declin

ted. Instead, I took the tie from Dylan's grasp and deftly looped it aro

x finger lightly grazed his Adam's apple, I noticed a subtle movement, causing it to b

ired, "Did I inadvertently

m the top of my head to the view outside the

I assured him, "I'll

the proximity between us. We stood so intimately close that with a

apply any lipstick, but I did wear perfume. Its fragrance resemble

ad in denial, a

hat case, are you allergic t

ht onto the underlying implication. I sensed his silence.

ep back. "I

tie I had tied, I presumed he might be dissatisfied with it. In respon

wrist, his voice taking on a deeper tone

ardened skin as our contact persisted. It struck me as unusual that an affluent man wealthy with a refined and immaculate appearance would possess callused hands. It was a contradiction t

just and straighten Dylan's trouser legs. "Mrs. Hewitt mus

inge of disappointment, I raised my gaze to meet his, displaying a hint

ion in return, his tone filled with curiosity. "Wh

my voice conveyed frustration. "Is it no

he is my wife, while you are an employee," he stated matter-of-factl

d of falling into the trap I had unwittingly set, he skillfully drew a

eing evenly matched in a contest was undeniable. It was beneficial in improv

hair for a few more strokes before setting the comb aside and replacing it with my own hand. My slender fingers delicately weaved through his hair


le tensing in his posture, but undeterred, I persistently pursued the moment. My lips trailed along his ear

owing no noticeable respons

hed my hair against his chin, savoring

inding solace in its support. Softly,

h an inviting look in my eyes. "Is it from a niche brand? The allure is even stronger no

gestures. Calmly, Dylan proceeded to don his suit jacket, his tone unwavering. "

uding enchantment. "Then I shall seek ou

uit jacket, I teasingly expressed, "I would be more

However, undeterred, I closely trailed behind him. Despite initially refusing, h

he held a managerial role, awaited us on the steps. As our car pulled up, he immediately recognized Dylan

suit jacket and extending it to the waiting man. I tra

ady stream. Among them, there were individuals in their thirties and forties, but the majority appeared to be in their fifties or sixties. Regardless of age, all attendees

er clothing. On the other hand, individuals hailing from affluent and influential families tended to adopt a more understated and approachable demeanor. They rarely showcased designer attire in

thy individuals could present its own challenges. Rich individuals often possessed astute

promptly accompanied them upstairs, linking arms in a synchronized fashion. Indeed, it was no surprise that a popular saying circulated among the upper echelons of R

I pointed discreetly at a young woman in the vicini

ted, his expression giving little away. Sensing his

stion in return. "What defines th

I asserted, "Conside

s expression reflecting his

red premium-grade. Those who are on par with me are top-grade. A top-grade beauty is a rarity, occurring

uriosity piqued by my categorization. "Oh? Why no

sion, I replied with a hint o

, upon closer inspection, his expression remained impassive, as was typical of him. Perhaps the dazzling

hink I'm

t and devoid of any clea

lan surveyed his surroundings with a discerning ga

ng a brief glance at the brand on the cigarette box, Dylan politely declined. "

ferences. He insisted on drinking purified water, appreciating its clarity and purity. In the afternoons, he savored a freshly brewed cup of black coffee, with just a minute amoun

as Mr. Cooper e

nding. "Yes, Mr. Cooper frequents this es

e last time

responded, "If I recall correctly, M

he retrieved a photograph from inside. Holding up the photo, he in

e was swift and affirmative. "Yes, he has been seen accompanying Mr

mation he sought, appeared satisf

haven for top billionaires, particularly for indulging in gambling. The private room, which Dylan was heading to, was renowned as the club's most spacious and luxurious private room. Access to this area was notoriously difficult to obtain, as the entry requirements were exceptionally stringent. Rumor had it t

leisurely smoking a cigarette. As the conversation concluded with the last puff of smoke, he terminated the call and proceeded to push open the door to the private room. Inside

eir seats, I leaned in towards Dylan and softly in

conversation with the man, acknowledging

ge, I adhered to the established

room and issued my precise inst

ation directed at Dylan, remarking. "Mrs. Hewitt has a k

ying with it rather than eating it. He gazed at it thoughtfully under

e at him, sensing a hidden

into the cups, ensuring an organized approach for both the man and Dylan. As the man grasped

atitude. "Thanks to Mr. Hewitt. He e

"Oh, really? What other ski

se, causing the man's laughte

y stumbling, resulting in scalding hot liquid splashing onto the back of my hand, causing instant blisters. Regrettably, the splashing coffee also affected the man, staining his suit pants. In a rush, I grabbed a tissue and hastily wiped his pants in an attempt to rectify the

eave, he interrupted me

of the table, and a voice came through the in

on my hand and urgently requested,

ms as Dylan had instructed. He gestured to the waiter to hand the

taking them into my possession. Dylan then pivoted away, res

. While staring at my reflection in the mirror adorning the wall, I found myself immersed in a cascade of thoughts. I had become utterly perplexed by Dylan's demeanor, unsure of what to make of it. He yielded to my approach, opting not to disclose my actions to Theresa and exploit the situation

to the primate room, I was abruptly seized and forcibly

. Overwhelmed and disoriented, I leaned on the windowsill, gasping for breath. Meanwhile, the man secured

n, the model discovered she was carrying a baby boy. Filled with elation at the prospect of having a son, Magnus made the firm decision to divorce his wife. In an attempt to ensure his wife received no marital assets, he transferred the majority of his property. Left with no alternatives, his wife sought my assistance. At the time, I was employed as a model at Magnus's casino

dged that it was inevitable to r

ollar and forcefully slamming me against the unforgiving ground. The impact sent me sprawling once

rocious gaze. His face contorted with rage as he seethed, "You fled two years ago, and I h

st, I asked in surprise, "Are you

on my hair, yanking it harshly.

l conviction. I had assumed she would eventually forgive Magnus, but I never anticipated that she would truly go through with the divorce. It became apparen

of a sanitary pad in his pocket, marked with a number. A shiver ran down

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1 Chapter 1 A Challenging Target2 Chapter 2 A Rare Opportunity3 Chapter 3 A Faithful Husband4 Chapter 4 Theresa's Uncle5 Chapter 5 Riverfront Club6 Chapter 6 A False Alarm7 Chapter 7 An Indirect Kiss8 Chapter 8 The Honey Trap9 Chapter 9 Siren10 Chapter 10 An Anonymous Letter11 Chapter 11 A Losing Battle12 Chapter 12 Theresa's Lover13 Chapter 13 The Stronger Party14 Chapter 14 A Tease15 Chapter 15 Dylan's Call16 Chapter 16 Lance's Visit17 Chapter 17 A Gambling Game18 Chapter 18 Chandler's Call19 Chapter 19 A Delicate Balance20 Chapter 20 A Heavy Drinker21 Chapter 21 My Girl22 Chapter 22 A Double Agent23 Chapter 23 Canary24 Chapter 24 Lance's Visit25 Chapter 25 A Mask26 Chapter 26 The Agreement27 Chapter 27 An Ultimatum28 Chapter 28 Greatest Nemesis29 Chapter 29 The Scapegoat30 Chapter 30 Interrogation31 Chapter 31 A Quarrel32 Chapter 32 Teresa's Revenge33 Chapter 33 New Residence34 Chapter 34 The Charity Auction35 Chapter 35 Hush Money36 Chapter 36 The Nightmare37 Chapter 37 The Escape38 Chapter 38 The Punishment39 Chapter 39 Theresa's Pregnancy40 Chapter 40 Ayla's Invitation41 Chapter 41 The Unexpected Proposition42 Chapter 42 Dylan's Threat43 Chapter 43 The Visit To The Welch Family44 Chapter 44 Worst Nightmare45 Chapter 45 The Terrible Poker Player46 Chapter 46 An Intoxicated Lance47 Chapter 47 The Car Accident48 Chapter 48 The Video49 Chapter 49 The Ally50 Chapter 50 The Deal51 Chapter 51 The Abduction52 Chapter 52 The Enigmas53 Chapter 53 The Business Trip54 Chapter 54 The Plan55 Chapter 55 The Bond56 Chapter 56 The Confrontation57 Chapter 57 A Drunk Sabrina58 Chapter 58 The Agreement59 Chapter 59 An Old Flame60 Chapter 60 The Trap61 Chapter 61 The Puppet Master62 Chapter 62 Omar's Visit63 Chapter 63 The Discharge64 Chapter 64 Best Ex-Boyfriend65 Chapter 65 The Footage66 Chapter 66 The Draw67 Chapter 67 The Invitation68 Chapter 68 The Contracts69 Chapter 69 Destiny70 Chapter 70 A Facade71 Chapter 71 The Clandestine Rendezvous72 Chapter 72 Closure73 Chapter 73 The Pile-up74 Chapter 74 The Paternity Test75 Chapter 75 The Confidante76 Chapter 76 The Hunger Strike77 Chapter 77 The Ally78 Chapter 78 The Tough Catch79 Chapter 79 The Final Warning80 Chapter 80 The Wedding Gift81 Chapter 81 The Plea82 Chapter 82 Falling-out83 Chapter 83 The Accusations84 Chapter 84 The Cruel Truth85 Chapter 85 The Master Of Deception86 Chapter 86 The Investment87 Chapter 87 Erectile Dysfunction88 Chapter 88 A Scoop89 Chapter 89 A Deep Wound90 Chapter 90 The Show91 Chapter 91 Biggest Challenge92 Chapter 92 The Party93 Chapter 93 An Honored Guest94 Chapter 94 A Secret95 Chapter 95 New Girlfriend96 Chapter 96 The Threat97 Chapter 97 The Ultimatum98 Chapter 98 The Law Of Jungle99 Chapter 99 Morbid Adoration100 Chapter 100 The Triad Feud