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Super Squad : The Epic Saga Of Five Prodigies

Chapter 5 Invasion In The Little

Word Count: 1667    |    Released on: 24/05/2023

tered ruins and debris-filled surroundings. The giant creature they had pr

ly gathered her strength and shouted, "Serap

merged, protecting the Super Squad from the new enemy's attacks. Thunderstrike unleashed a powerful

exclaimed, "Leviathan XT, Ir

eapons on the vehicle started spinning and aimed their shots at the enemy.

in idle. "Phoenix Raptor, Skyfi

n, a high-speed energy missile launched towards the enemy. Spectacular explosions e

so took action. "Tempest Striker, S

gy strikes. Successive blows pounded the enemy, shattering its strong defenses. Super

d withstand the onslaught with remarkable resilience. In an instant, it gathered en

ense and desperate glances. They realized that this was no ordinary battl

They knew this was just the beginning of a much larger conflict, and they had t

to find the weakness of this enem

ture has already shown its rapid adaptability. We

can combine our attacks to c

n use my special power to enhan

ogether and devised a new

ying their war vehicles,

mployed their new tactics wi

e giant creature from their assault. Juni followed up wit

he Super Squad continued their assault, unleashing attack after a

ile. "Congratulations, Super Squad. You have managed to maximize your a

mega. We will not disappoint you. We are prepared to

reach this point. We will continue to train ourselves to beco

r and support each other in every mission. We will wa

ader, Omega, we feel confident and inspired. We will f

. "You are Earth's last hope. In your hands, the future of Earth will be safe. Prepare yours

tect Earth from the threat of monsters. With Omega as their leader, they fe

day life at school. Despite being part of the Super Squad, he rema

volved in various academic and non-academic activities. He was a member of the schoo

peaking skills and was able to present arguments clearly and logically

volunteer club, which frequently organized charity events and assisted the local community.

strived to strike a balance between his personal life and his responsibilities as a hero. He contin

with his friends, Maya and Rian. They were

resenting the school in the inter-scho

m quite excited to represent

at speaking and presenting arguments. You're

he intellectual challenges it brings. But I also str

ctive in the school's volunteer c

nt at the elderly care center next week. We'll hel

You're always caring for oth

onsibility to help others. And as a member of the v

. You're an inspiration to

engrossed in a book. Gome, Juni, and Dihauu sat nex

on renewable energy? I think it could be an

renewable energy is a very important topic. We can discuss various

e experiment to demonstrate these concepts to other stu

urbine or solar panel that can be installed in the schoolyard. Other

se awareness about the importance of renewable energy an

an lead further research. Juni, you can take care of the equipment and materials needed. And D

our tasks and prepare for this experiment. I'm sure it wi

th enthusiasm. Lily led further research, Gome gathered the necessary equipment, Ju

dents running and scattering across the field. Dihauu, Juni,

they saw Arva running fast and shouting, "Team, gather in the

re asked. "Whoa... it's creepy..

hered and focused on observing the phenomenon. Shortly after, a woman appeared wearing a s

the five unfortunate children who bring misfortune upon

her telepathic abilities, Juni commanded the other members,

d and continued observ

ho I am?" the woma

r and take note, my name is Val

echoed, pierc

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