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Lunar Hunt

Lunar Hunt


Chapter 1 Bound Between Darkness and Hope

Word Count: 1211    |    Released on: 24/05/2023

rdinary and enigmatic group of creatures resides. Shrouded in secrecy, they come alive with the

within the heart of the forest, a gathering of creatures with eyes ablaze like fiery rubies and ears reminiscent of graceful wolves assembles, their anticipation tangible in

d wilderness. In their veins courses the untamed power of the wolf, lending them unparalleled strengt

e fangs, he instills dread among his kin, even in the realm of fearsome werewolves. Varel possesses an understanding, one that sets him apart from his

is conviction. "We can overpower them, claim our rightful place, and secure an abundance of sustenanc

spirits reject Varel's doctrine of exploiting humans for personal gain. They understand

na," Ariel whispers, his voi

angering our lives," Luna respo

challenge him," Ariel persi

ng. "Do not act rashly, les

f werewolves, who convene, plotting an attack on a small town

fall us if we sought peace with the humans?" A question eternally etched in his heart. Ariel yearns for a life inte

all werewolves to assemble. "Tonight, we shall feast!" Varel's resounding proclamation resonates through the forest, and the werewolves ans

ettlement, leaving naught but devastation and bloodshed in their wake. The

a of crimson. The werewolves revel in thei

ing the ears of his companions. Luna, ever the soothing presence, places a gentle hand on Ariel's shoulder. "We are powerless, Ariel. We must reconcile ourselves to the re

d Marcel find themselves stranded amidst the wreckage of the town. Ariel gazes upon his surroundings, his

el's voice trembles, his finger point

were a wiser path to fulfill your desires, we would stand by your side," Luna reasons, her words laced with a ting

ns deeper than any of us," Marcel begins, his voice tinged with earnestness. "You possess a beauty unrivaled among our kind. With your gentle

more, the werewolves conspire to unleash their fury upon a

Ariel, Luna, Helena, and Marcel stand among them. Varel issues the command, his voi

umanity. Standing amidst the collective, he remains motionless. Luna, seizing the moment, reaches out, clasping Ariel's hand. "Do not be foolish, my love. Let

e cacophony of destruction, Ariel's fangs find purchase on the flesh of a towering man, his massive frame crumbling to the ground. Panic grips Ariel's heart as he gazes upwards, his face

the frenzied streets, her eyes scanning every shadow, every alcove. And there, beneath the shelteri

una's voice carries a tremor of

anity will loathe me now," Ariel's voice quivers, his ho

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