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Diamonds in the Rough

Chapter 2 Yearning Whispers

Word Count: 2202    |    Released on: 11/06/2023

oriented. The realization gradually dawned on her that she was now in her new husband's bedroom, in his house. The events of the previous day flooded her mind, overwhelming he

reality of her new marital life. With a sigh, she sat up and stretched her limbs, her gaze instinctively drawn to the door as a soft knock echoed through the room. Curiosity piqued

rt, plump woman wearing a cook's apron. Jane immediately assumed that

the woman said, still

" Jane began, trying to ascert

woman replied with a warm smi

help you?" Jane asked,

replied warmly. "Shall I bring i

ack of enthusiasm for their marriage, she was determined to make it wor

stood bare of any human presence, but the tantalizing aroma of the sumptuous breakfast filled the room, tempt

?" Jane asked, with a slight hi

reluctance evident in her voice

insisting, "Plea

with concern. "He left for

rew, fueling her doubts about her husband's commitment to the marriage. Was he being intention

had been overly hopeful. Should she simply let him be and accept their lo

would willingly choose such a life? With a heavy sigh, Jane res

d to visit the mall under the pretense of buying toiletries and cosmetics. It w

one of her husband's smaller cars, she hesitated, u

, searching for her favorite women's products. Lost in her thoughts, sh

e's voice trailed off as she recogn

mix of surprise and unce

his eyes reflecting a pain she kne

re, not wanting to delve into the deta

" he replied, his voi

reopen old wounds. "Umm, d

e he came to shop you idiot! Wha

restock some groceries and toiletries. How about you? I didn't expec

well," Jane answered, omitting the fact th

. "Okay, so how have you been? I haven't had a chan

ations and all. But it's over now," Jan

ging. "I still can't believe any of this. I can

vy with regret. "We've discussed th

p breath, his words laden with

er wanted any of this to happ

voice gentle yet tinged with resignation. "It wasn't your fa

an, but he cut her off,

e you still love me," he p

r lingering feelings and her commit

e implored, his voice

smile graced her lips

aptured hers in a desperate kiss, momentarily freezing her in a swirl of emotions. Despite the longing she felt, s

we're in public?" She whispered coldly, her vo

emorse. "I'm so sorry, Jane. I lost control.

ugged at her heart, but she knew she had to set bou

in his eyes. "Thank you. So, why don't we shop together sinc

She knew it was unwise to spend more time with him, but the

lex's voice crackled through the phone, fi

currently together at the bustling shopping mall. I will

sigh escaping his lips as he hung up the phone. He reclined in his plus

simmered within him, threatening to boi

e in the arms of another man. After all, he had delivered a heartfelt monologue to her just the night before. He had spent their wedding nig

say? That he was checking up on her? Or perhaps he should demand that

ocked the device, revealing an email from Max. The attached photos depicted Jane and John in various compromising positions.

y. Their marriage had barely begun, and he had never been

king. He had assumed his new wife was a woman of integrity and restraint, only to witness her engaged in a passion

e wasn't worth such a display of rage. In fact, he questioned why he was allowing this to affect him so profoundly. Their union was m

cheerfully exclaimed, open

oice filled with a hint of wearine

ed, madam?" Anna inquired, her eyes scanni

aze shifting restlessly, searching

. He's upstairs," Anna informed her, h

ponded, her mind sl

rfume enveloped the living room. A tall, voluptuous woman sauntered in

ick she wore accentuated her flawless skin. Delicate tattoo designs adorned her upper arms, complementing th

t arrived. This woman exuded an air of sophistication, sexiness, and perhaps even a hint of malice. She seemed to fit Alex's preferr

oice low and seductive. "Anna," she purred,

tial shock, shaking her head to reg

e air, Michelle inqu

ting toward Jane for guidance on how t

ted politely, "May I ask who yo

, a condescending smirk playing on her li

ted firmly, her voice laced

toe, her nose slightly wrinkling as if Jane were clad in rags

true embodiment of her

to be undermined. "So, you're the arranged

ignoring the stinging truth

ning under the chandelier lights. "Allow me to introduce myself," she drawled, savoring each syllable. "My name is Michelle Davi

rything to him that

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1 Chapter 1 The Wedding Eve2 Chapter 2 Yearning Whispers3 Chapter 3 A Test of Resilience4 Chapter 4 Unveiled Desires5 Chapter 5 Reflections and Regret6 Chapter 6 Unveiled Desires7 Chapter 7 Whispers of Deception8 Chapter 8 Night Whispers9 Chapter 9 Night of Desires10 Chapter 10 Clashing Desires11 Chapter 11 Fading Facades12 Chapter 12 Deceptive Bonds13 Chapter 13 Unhinged Rivalry14 Chapter 14 Ploys15 Chapter 15 Unsettling Discoveries16 Chapter 16 The Tempestous Night17 Chapter 17 Betrayal's Wake18 Chapter 18 A Harrowing Revelation19 Chapter 19 Torn Hearts20 Chapter 20 Shattered Hearts21 Chapter 21 Twisted Entanglements22 Chapter 22 Love and Light23 Chapter 23 Whispers of the Past24 Chapter 24 Reoccurring Past25 Chapter 25 The Revelation26 Chapter 26 Revelation(2)27 Chapter 27 The gathering28 Chapter 28 The Embrace29 Chapter 29 VIP30 Chapter 30 The Audacity31 Chapter 31 Desires and Doubt32 Chapter 32 The search33 Chapter 33 The Search(2)34 Chapter 34 Weathering Life's Twist35 Chapter 35 The Fog36 Chapter 36 The invitation 37 Chapter 37 Smeared38 Chapter 38 Vivid39 Chapter 39 An Alliance40 Chapter 40 Echoes41 Chapter 41 Echoes of Resentment42 Chapter 42 Wavering Resolve43 Chapter 43 Wavering Resolve(2)44 Chapter 44 Bitter Bond45 Chapter 45 The Resolve46 Chapter 46 The calm47 Chapter 47 The calm48 Chapter 48 48.49 Chapter 49 49.50 Chapter 50 50.51 Chapter 51 5152 Chapter 52 52.53 Chapter 53 53.54 Chapter 54 5455 Chapter 55 55.56 Chapter 56 56.57 Chapter 57 57.58 Chapter 58 58.59 Chapter 59 59.60 Chapter 60 Epilogue.