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Orphan Callistaa

Chapter 3 Meeting Horace

Word Count: 1382    |    Released on: 29/05/2023

they both lived in the same orphanage. An involuntary smile spread across her lips. And she picked up his call almost immediately. She forgot ab

do you care anyways?" He said and her smile vanished. A frown took over her feature

hy were you not cal

up life that she didn't have time to call him. She sighed. "I am so sorry Ace. I was actually so much caught up here. Please forgive me? Please, please? Pretty p

u come here? Let us catch up, yeah?" Cali smiled at his condition and replied a quick yes and dashed into

she would leave him if she kept living on with that ego of hers, and the thought of her leaving him, scared him. He could not let her go. He did not know about love but she had become his obsession now, that was for sure. At first, she was a challenge for him, but after that night, everything changed. Now, he craved for her. Only he knew, how difficult it was staying away from her f

lissful little bubbl

His scrutinizing gaze was now set on her. What was she doing out there? Her working hours were not over yet. Oh, then he remembered tha

new, his wife didn't have much friends or relatives. The only friend she had here was Jasmine. He was now getting all vexed. So, he decided to go there as well. Just as he was picking up his phone to go out, someon

i. However, Jasmine didn't have any idea that her boss was trying to get his wife jealous there, who happened to be Cali Ruth. And she never questioned it. Because firstly, she didn't have the courage to ask her cold and indifferent boss and secondl

ase approve it." She said internally fearing abou

money. So..." She trailed off. Cain immediately understood what she meant. The paycheck for her acting. She was a part time escort, so this kind of acting was not dif

e." He said with a finality in his voice. She immediately pu

ent out to go into

occurred in his


sipping on a cup of tea. As soon as his eyes fell on her approaching figure, he stood up and reach

oking at her with a

now about how their marriage had happened or how their married life was. She had told him that they got married because they both fell in love with each other. And he

inely happy for her. Though he could not come for her wedding, he always wished her well since he loved her as his own

her arms and kissed

like you used to read in those fairy tales in our childhood." He said softly. As he was going to continue, a growl was heard by them from behind.

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