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No. 13 Washington Square


Word Count: 3534    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ap at the library door, it was partly opene

ome in,

the somewhat eager respo

ured confidence in his manner, flawlessly dressed, with hands that were swathed in bandages. He crossed limpingly to M

back," he said, imprinting an und

proving look. The young man turned to

ission. You'll have to shake my elb

in trepidation, hardly daring to be grac

lda's shoulders. "How are you,

Mr. Jack," returned Matilda, w

," she continued with frigid dignity after Matilda had withdrawn,

od fire burned here as in her sitting-room above-and letting himself down into the chair slowly

approve of that y

at's one reason I didn't tell y

e you bee

t his new car. It's a hummer. Hundred-and-twent

De Peyster, who still kept to her horses and carr

dn't tell you-especially since we w

your hands?" suddenly

atively at the b

le business. We were whizzing around a corner coming into Yonkers this morning when the


ster, for a moment forgetting her repro

certainly would like the openwork effect

n a lesson to you!" said Mrs. De

g lesson!" Jack

will do nothing

I won't

r an odd qualit

to? What d

" he remarked pleasantly, "do you know that Sherlock Holmes found it an instructive and valuable occupation t

risen, somewh

er eat

msily picking up one from the floor, "th

way, all right!" said Olivett

k, fishing an open purse from beneath

ys dropping it

. De Peyster reprovingly, "that yo

a card that had fa

et to the exhibiti

ard from Jack's hands. "I'll wait up in your bedroom, Caroline, and look at you

manded suspiciously,

sily. And without giving Mrs. De Peyster an instant in which to pursue the matter further, he awkwardly pushed her favor

wered herself into

you know, mother, that Olivetta would really be an

ight c

ized breath without first considering whether such a daring act might not disturb the social standing of somebody over on Fifth Avenue or down here on Washington Squ


low-she'd blossom out, grow as young as she actually is-

yes. B

bled a bit, conscious that he was becoming indiscreet. "And,

ng upon you in regard to yourself," return

But that was not-not the first

d say there were

ely with his bandaged hand; then smiled bla


ll, mother, I wan

st I request you not to us

id he. "Suppose I say, the

. "Dissatisfied! What about? Do I n


thel Quintard? Ethel will have three millions some day. And th


dissatisfied!" She stared

to go to school," was

y had the best of educations! Exeter-

and above being a fairly decent half-back and l

r with all her dignity, "that

hard at the profession ever since-sixteen to twenty hours a day, no half-holidays

aimed his moth

ed loafing such long hours. I'd like

could hardly express amazement greater than

clear-eyed, humorou

look in

ould only dazedly repeat

e to do something. You've spent-how much have you spent on my education, mother? Tens and tens of thousands, I

was thinking about fitting you for your

wanted to test myself and find what I was worth-as a worker." He leaned a little closer. "I say, mo

in that high-po

b. Just a bit of diplomatic roma

you been?" demand

red thousand or two or three you've sunk in me is worth. And

u m

d pleasantly, "I


and looked down at him wit

e gasped agai


idding automobil

r dear. Most hor

ed-you've wo

ave backed away from the chance. But I wanted to find my real value, so I wore cheap clothes and kept clear of my friends. 'What could I do?' every one asked me. You know my


e and a red shirt and I should say his complexion neede

u-you t

? I grab

med to shiver out by itself in horrified disjunction. "Well, at any rate," she declared with ret

lieve a man of my size could hold so much discomfort. But that isn't the only thin

I do not u

use of so inelegant an e


hat I was not quite up to the nine per week standard. I'll be honest with you and admit that I didn't lean against the pay-shed and weep. I still wanted to work, but I decided that I didn

was trembling

a letter at a time. "J-a-c-k D-e P-

might be-a litt

e some consideration f

to earn my own living. But you don't know wh

nding that Intercollegiate Socialist thing in college! I protested to the president a

prexy did his

! As for what you propose,

Columbia, and kept it from you. B

't hav

ng to add a few thousand more to my h

inly sha

suppose after all I've got to st

d you to be a gentleman! And yo

eel about it," he sighed, "we'

ly. "Besides, all this talk is utterly footless. You seem

, "that you would consent to take my regrets to Europe. Don't you th

endure your

and consummately serious. I really want you to let me



w Ethel Quintard and her mother are sailing on the s

it," he sighed again, "perhaps we'd be

ently," his mother said, again with

the second time my engagement to Ethel Quintard has been in print. I must say that I don't think it's nice of Ethel and Mrs. Quintard

arriage is bo

"-he painfully recrossed his legs, and smiled pleasantly at his mother-"when, as a matter of fact, what I




dded his head.

, if you

ildly. "But one of the reasons is, that

ster, falling back. "And with

y Mo

ver heard of her.

e Henry, I

who is he-what's his family-

d me he runs a shoe

tore! A s

rected, "it was a groc

eyster. "Oh! And-and t

o, and is going to

rror was inarticulate. Then it be

or a little pianist! You compare a gi

little minute, mother, dear

man, have you considered the social disgrace you are plun

face. "Not in earnest, mother? I'm


could get them out, Jack was on his fe

ou say another word, let me bring Mary to see you. I can get her here before you go o

arm. "I shall not see


d what is more," she continued, with the energy of one who believes her will to be equivalent to the accomplished

had tightened, and at that moment there was a remarkab

istaken," he said quietly. "I

defy me?"

as pleasant a way as I could what my plans a

to inform you," she was saying thickly in her outraged majesty, when Matilda opened the hall door and ushered in an er

d, as he sighted Mrs. De Peyster's militant attitud

ed, as he started to withdraw. "On the other hand,

eerfully. "Excuse me for not shaking ha

ave given us all a scare!" And then in affectionate c

he accident," said Jack,

above from which she had been removing her jewels, took out a document and returned to the two men.

ations," said she. "But I desire to give you a

am at your ser

ly, "I beg to request my son to move such of his thing

ther," Jack sa

allowance, which is paid through your off

," said the astonished Judge.

ng up the document she had taken from the safe. "As my man


lk of my fortune

the Judge with incr

s to two millions


nce that his conduct will be more suitable to me and my position, he is no longer my son." And so saying she tossed

flicker down to a glowing ash. One banda

w two millions go as quick! Well, mother," he sighed, shaking his head, "I never suspected I'

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