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Shattered Vows: A Copper's Love and a Billionaire's Daughter

Shattered Vows: A Copper's Love and a Billionaire's Daughter


Chapter 1 : A Fateful Encounter

Word Count: 553    |    Released on: 01/06/2023

dreamed of making a difference in the world and serving his community. One fateful day, during a routine patrol, Alex found himself in the midst of an unexpected situation. A group of

, Alex started to notice a superficiality in Victoria's character. He realized that her affection for him was partly fueled by his status as a hero, rather than a genuine connection. He yearned for authenticity and felt that their relationship lacked the depth and understanding he desired. Heartbroken but resolute, Alex made the difficult decision to break things off with Victoria. He knew that he couldn't compromise his principles and settle for a love that felt empty and insincere. The news shattered Victoria's heart, as she had genuinely fallen in love with Alex and had hoped for a future together. In the aftermath of their separation, both Alex and Victoria experienced a profound sense of loss. Alex threw himself into his work, using it as a means to heal his wounded heart. He found solace in serving his community, dedicating himself to making a difference in the lives of others. Victoria, on the other hand, confronted the shall

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