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Most wanted maid

Chapter 4 The dream

Word Count: 3730    |    Released on: 06/06/2023




nds and legs. As soon as they left,Angela started another round of pleading. Her eyes were almost empty from all the tears she cried. Chike advised her to save her strength and keep quiet for her own good before she pushes him to do what s

Angela,your own paddy.Your next door neighbour"She said finally to Chike who was alre-ady turning his face away,slowly. He took few steps backwards and peeped out to see if his members were coming back.He was indeed troubled.Angela had been a good friend to her back in school.She was like a sister to him.Helping him with even the cookings,for he could ba-rely boil yam. She helped him during exams to make sure he pas-sed.He never re-ad his re-ads despite

else. He started hearing footsteps.They were running towards him.He kept still as they emerged.He saw them speed past him,heading to the exact place where Angela was hiding.Who knew if she had not urinated in her p@n-ties. He nee-ded no one to tell him that she would be found there.He thought very ha-rd to find a way of ma-king them change direction but couldn't figure out any idea. He fired his riffle into the air and immediately,they dived into different directions,got up and charged towards him. He c@mÂŁ out and told the he was looking for her. Thun-der c@mÂŁ closer to him with anger written all over his face. "Do you expect me to cl@p for you? She gave you

t was all a dream.A terrible dream.She wa

.The visitors room was empty.Sonia's room and the bathroom was the only place left. She heard a door ban-g. "Darling.."she called again.It was the bathroom door.She opened it and there he was.Bathing. "Honey,is there any problem? Why bathing by this time of the night?" "

ss and pain boiling in her. "Aren't you done with me yet? Can't you let me go in peace now? Haven't i been slee-ping with your bestfriend's husband as you wished?"Sonia asked. "What kind of a girl are you anyway? You saw a means inorder to get what you want and help your mother and you are rejecting it.I haven't seen a case where a person spat out the sugar put in his mouth.........." "I'm pregnant for crying out loud.I'm pregna

I think its better that way.You have used me enough trying to destroy a union.If i go to jail,so be it.If mrs Angela kills me for betraying her trust by slee-ping with her husband day in,day out,i deserve it"She couldn't fight the tears anymore as they finally found their way down her cheeks but she was determined.She stood up to leave. "Maybe you nee-d to sleep to regain your s-en-ses"Ebere said as the watched the furious Sonia storm ou

he be-d in a h0tel.Someone who saw them move into the h0tel alerted her.She went with a knife and stabbe-d her friend who died instantly.Now the poor woman is in police custody.I pity her"She narrated. Sonia was taken aback by the story.She thought for a while. "That is a bad incident.But Aunty,tell me if you were the woman what would you have done?"Sonia asked carefully. Angela smiled and shook her head. "My husband.No no.I can even look

ith pains.de-ep inner pains which time can never heal.It left her a shattered woman with all the memories that refused to let her be.How she loved him with all her heart.How she surrendered her all to him.How she gave all of herself to him.It was really heartbreaking.She found it ha-rd to console herself and move on with life whenever that instincts of hers tell h

What do you mean? Isn't she doing what you said?"The confused woman asked. "Isn't now the best time for her to stand strong and be happy? She is pregnant and she is threatening

ds always found so ha-rd to deal with. She peeped out throu-gh the window and watched him alight from the car. It was unusual,seeing him at home by that time of the day.Sonia wondered what could be wrong. "Did he forget anything?"She asked her troubled self. David's knock c@mÂŁ on the door impatiently.Sonia did not hesitate in opening the door for him. David quic-kly entered and closed the door behind him immediately,drew Sonia close and wra-pped hisl-ips over

nee-d you.i just dont think i can survive without you"He said and overpowered her again with his strenght,this time,taking Sonia off the ground in his arms like a baby into the be-droom. Sonia knew she had to do something fast to end all these as soon as possible.Her greatest fear and only prayer at that moment was that Angela should not by any

seen the perfect opportunity to make Sonia supply her money all the time as if she was her employee. "We are going immediately"She as-sured Sonia and requested to see the pictures of this lady.Angela had come to see her with Sonia only once but she wasn't able to get a better view of her because it was getting dark when they visited. She kept staring at Angela's smiling face.Ebere handed her the identity card and some other laminated papers that contained vital informations about her. "Miss Angela C.Uwa. Hometown,Isseke in Ihiala local government area....Uwa.Isseke..."She st©pped and scanned the pictures again. "What is wrong?"Ebere who noticed something asked. She shifted uncomfortably in her chair,stared at the name again,the pictures and her details again. "Tell me all you know about this lady"She demanded in a low voice. "We used to be good frie

mediately.Moreover,the way she reacted when she heard whom Angela's parents were,gave her great cause for concern. Could there be something she knew,which she concealed from her? Many questions flashed throu-gh her mind as she sat at the back of the taxi,swaying to the tune of th

large mirror and the scary faces of the gods made the shrine a horrible sight to behold. "The eyes of the gods.The great one.Your humble daughter is here"Ebere spoke out with her head bowed low.She remained calm and quiet for sometime.Soon,the sound of the great 'Dibia' could be heard emerging from nowhere,breaking the silence "What troubles you my daughter?"He asked as he went for a seat. "Great one,my heart is heavy.Your daughter is getting older by the day.Had it been i got married to mike,by now i would be seeing my children,pla-ying and calling me mummy.Ever since then,no man has ever said anything about marriage to me.Despite all i do for them"Ebere sobbe-d as she opened her handbag and brou-ght out Angela's pictures and doÂąv-ments. "Great one.I...." "Hold your peace.T

hing faded. "That charm will desert her whenever they are caught together.As for the woman you want dead,organise boys to kidnap her right away.She must be brou-ght here today"He instructed 2.05pm that same day David was alre-ady dressed up.Sonia only watched him weakly.She couldn't explain what she felt all over her b©dy few minutes ago but she felt it.She felt the shock and the awe that

me,he thought,some more may not be bad. He su-cked hungrily at herl-ips,while his hands sought for her b0ss0ms.Sonia just couldn't un-derstand what was happening. This was somethi

angry driver addressed Angela who was bent on getting into the house.She turned back and gave him the amount they agreed on. On getting to the compound,she saw her husbands car parked there.She wondered what he might be doing at home.He should be in the office.She gently opened the door and surveyed the parlour.Nob©dy was there but on the floor a cloth was lying them.She picked it up and examined it.It was the t©p Sonia was wearing in the morning. Sh

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