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The Chronicles of Elyxsur: The Rise of The Stellar Paragon

Chapter 3 Attending the Academy

Word Count: 708    |    Released on: 06/06/2023

trepidation. The halls were adorned with ancient tapestries depicting legendary wizards, their eyes seeming to follow him as he made his way thro

rcival's own powers, honed through his connection with nature, made him stand out amongst his peers. The elemental manipula

an ability that he had yet to fully comprehend, a gift that had revealed itself in fleeting moments of intense focus and concentratio

emporary portals that bridged distant locations, allowing for swift and strategic movement. In battle, he could manipulate the flo

llure, and Percival found himself drawn to its immense power. Yet, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling of guilt that accompanied his affinity for these forces.

f his own abilities. Under the guidance of his mentor, Master Alistair, a wise and revered wizard, Percival delved into the study

. It whispered temptations of unrivaled power, exploiting his doubts and insecurities. At times, he caught himself relishing the feeling o

lure and the potential consequences of wielding power without restraint. He sought solace in the teachings of the Academy, in t

vous spirit, and Seraphina, a talented healer whose gentle nature brought solace to those in need. They became his confidantes, his pillars

nsciousness . Percival realized that he must confront the shadows within, to understand their origin and to find

teetered on a precipice. He knew that the path to becoming the stellar paragon, the embodiment of light and h

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