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Falling For The Playboy Billionaire

Chapter 2 Confrontation!

Word Count: 1275    |    Released on: 22/06/2023

in when she noticed Mrs Lisa and Mrs Mary standing in front of Mrs Lisa's porch. She decided

d morning Mrs Mary," Lena g

ing to face her. Mrs Lis

ena? How is Tre

next street. Mrs Lisa has always been kind to Lena and Trent. Mrs Lisa and Mrs

t is doing well," Lena

terday, is everything ok?" She

as talking about. She had shown up at Lena's house with Ivy yesterday but L

you were no longer offering babysitting services and that you have a new job

a breath. Her mom was at it again!

Mrs Mary to come with Ivy but they never came. She trie

s waiting for me," Mrs Mary mumble

" Lena forc

ou this way, it's going to be fine." Mrs Li

because no words f

ill be sure to do my best," Mrs Lisa

ured but it was clear

to a warm embrace befo

didn't realise she had bee

n, she saw her mom seated on the couch. She had a smile


ce. She hoisted her head to peek at Lena, her eyes held disgust. The

other asked impatiently st

er mom because she knew how they always ended but right now she

that I no longer offer

"Yes, Is that why you look like s

othing new. Her Mom was very carel

I was no longer interested in being a babysitter," Len

lasped her hands, her icy gl

ts at your mother because of some peanuts you get from your s

he bar so what's the fuss ab

rds, her attention went back to

job at the bar

s about quitting her job at the bar, but now she de

job didn't let her spend enough time with her son and made her uncomfortable. She didn't like the job from the

urst out

usion as she wondered what wa

about you quitting your job?" Her mom r

bar isn't giving me enough time to spend wit

ete her statement becaus

many times do I have to tell you that beggars don't choose, the

t, and her eyes welled up with tears as

vide for him, tell me? You are never going to be

o be so mean?" Lena's voice brok

I let you and that bastard you call your son stay under my roof, eat my food, use my water a

head. She could take whatever insults her mom dished out

ackled and then took a pause rolling

an who got you pregnant. You are a slut, a cheap

top all of this? Stop

thinking for a second about how it was going to make them feel. Lena heaved a breath realising she raised he

can go back to the way they used to be," Lena pleaded

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