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Chapter 2 Chaotic meeting

Word Count: 2130    |    Released on: 08/06/2023


ll sculpted and decorated tom

as writt


sadly and then dropped

t me and I've not been able to find anyone like you. I really miss you.

hurt he was feeling. He always hide

ed soon. I promise

ds.." He said and then bowed

e groaned when he saw that it was his dad

do you

e already, why no

l see you tomorrow.." A

believe you act normal around me.

way with you?" Ryan asked with

Dave said and hung his arm around Ryan'

's g

pictures of your beloved bride to be

sted.." Ryan cu

.." Ryan muttered coldly. He open


y still hurt


black hair fell carelessly on her back, almost reaching her but

rror and her mum's w

you the life

model in this country. Do you really t

y and the sad look on her fac

ps twi

ns paying back with my life. I never want to get indebted to you ever.." She s

l opposite of wha

then took her phone. She t

ime. She looked at her wristwatc

nds of heels clicking and

nto view and


cks was now on her back. Her bangs were no where to be found. And lastly, her hair was dyed

iled and Miley w

look?" S

r innocent looks earlier. You look more of a b

." She said and then

your signature?" Kelly smil

not any

he Miley you all knew

go.." S

e shoot?"

one the shoot. I've a present for m

" Kelly wondered

a sec and she folded her fists angrily. Closing her eyes, s

popcorn, giggling. Her eyes were fixated on th

ura took her face to her. Immediatel

She called and

y smile and then moved closer to her. She touched

ier right?" Miley asked staring into her eyes and La

glaring at her. Something her innocent Miley wouldn't do. She always had love for her in

d and then her hands to her mum's hair, caressing it

She tried to fa

accept your proposal. I'm going to get married to the

She sound

ce in a week's time. You have been planning this since I was a teen right,

s ready.." She winked at Laura and

hould be happy right now but no, she wasn't, it was s

rried to Ryan instead of her, it would benefit us too.."

y. But then, it was still a good thing. It would he

ne. She called someone and the person


your son ready?' Laura ask

He has alw

wedding will take place next week. Tomorrow, they both

nk we are rushing

nce, right and since they ag

n the arrangement..'

ust you.." She sai

ey.." She smiled and

rried?" Kelly yelled at Miley who wa

what?" Mil

g married to?" She asked and Miley faced he

.." She winked at him and con

' Kelly asked no

" Miley suddenly said a

ay.." Miley squealed a

bbing a lot? You are ac

last few days of mine as a sin

ou want. ..



ere?" Ryan asked ad

gument with your dad. So coming here could c

calm me down, you risked my identity. What if my crazy fans finds me he

.." He mumbled and Ryan hi

o in.."

, they were ushered to the VIP'S section. As soon

e entire place before

y you brought me here?" He mutte

ce?" He says and Ryan rolled his


t his airpod. He inserted o

." He said coldl

s of chilled orange juice.." He said and Ryan sc

r if I just wanted a glass of orange j

g crazily. Her hair was scattered all over her face and she struggled trying to remove them f


I would love to see? It's been long since

like dad.." Rya

he direction of the lady again and he saw her dancing crazily and this time around, her friend was trying

's nothing.." She yelled

can fly like a bird!" She yell

Stop embarrassing me.." Kelly said and Miley

he yelled and Kelly placed her palm

d one of he arm on her shoulder, she tri

yeah like I should.." Sh

ty. I'll have to call the driver to help us out.." Kelly said and walked out. Imme

r some odd reason, he felt like going to ass

lost her balance and was about falling when a ha

eyes w

She mumbled an

u are drunk.." Ryan

she felt like puking. She scoffed again and tried leavin


ment when she felt everything rushing out f

eyes widened. She pucked on his s

ce again and she went down, pushing him along with her as she did. She fe

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