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His Fifth Mate

His Fifth Mate


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1161    |    Released on: 09/06/2023



s sent to me from the company. After job hunting for a couple of months, I fi

any," I say to the

pull the door open and hop in. It's my

ck in a traffic jam for about twenty minutes, but we finally got out a few mi

ls over at the side of the road, and I

tch for the time, and as expected, I'm fifteen minutes late. I didn't want to create a bad impre

luckily, I spot the lady that inter

Why?" The forty-five-year-old woman questions me

n the traffic," I reply to

e at the front of

doesn't want to be disturbed now," She says to me befo

ice, but my mouth drops open at the sight that welcom

me, and nobody gives a damn about whatever happens to me. It's pretty pathetic to be without

lt. Well, I had to work in a restaurant as a waitress for over two years, before I got a higher-paying job to work as a bartender in a popular bar in town. Just six months

s already placed on the desk for me. I resume work immediate

esktop. Although the glass demarcating us is transparent enough for me to see him, his face is kind of blurred and I can't tell what he looks li

stay focused," I mumble, turni

out to eat, and my stomach is already hurting. I wanted to be early to work today that

so worse that I can't even take it anymore, so I stand up t

as I speak. I wait patiently for him to either usher me in, or answer me, but two

ace another kno

irdly, and I flinch as I blink my eyes confusingly. How

he sudden lump that forms in my throat. Am I going to be working wit

s before I turn and advance toward th

idn't turn out difficult as I had thought,

the same spot, and I begin to ask myself if this man doesn't get hungry.

a knock on

design is everything beautiful. It's weird how I can't find any portrait on the wall, unlike every other companies I've been

k like any human. His pair of blue eyes that pierce into mine, are sharp, charming, and look intimidating. His long pointed nose compliments his cuteness. His pink lips look juicy and appetizing. His skin is flawlessly glowing and screams nothing,

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