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The Unwanted marriage(Inlove with my maid)


Word Count: 2843    |    Released on: 09/06/2023

the only thing in the bathroom. She wasn't breathing till her back hit the wall. Her eyes widened, and she folded her fists. Alfred's eyes were on hers as he finally got to her and rested his right

bel. "Talk of the devil" he smiled, picking it. "Seen the package?" Abel asked. "She's right in front of me, I owe you a pack of strawberry flavoured condom from Milan,see you tommorow!" Alfred replied and hung up. He finally descended the last stair, and the lady smiled as he walked to her. He gave her a tight hug first, feeling her n*pples. "You're so handsome, it's a pleasure I'll be warning your bed tonight" she whispered in his ear, and he broke the hug with a naughty smile. "Name?" "It's Erica" she replied, and he bent over her chest to kiss her n*pples one after the other "Have you eaten?, You'll need it" he said. "No" she smiled. ••• Kristen got to her room and quickly peeled off the wet gown, then she got the trousers and blouse she was wearing earlier. "I don't have much clothes, I shouldn't be wearing them excessively like this" she muttered as she put on the blouse, but just as she was about to put on the trousers, her eyes caught her disfigured @ss in the mirror, and she touched it slowly. "So ugly, no one else must see this" she said sadly, and tears came out of her eyes "Kristen!" Alfred's voice beckoned from downstairs, and she quickly put on the trousers. Forgetting she has tears in her eyes, she rushed downstairs where she met him with Erica on the sofa. She's sitting on his laps, massaging his body softly like a professional, his shirt is off. "Yes sir" Kristen said quickly, and he raised a brow. "What's up with the tears?" "Tears?, Oh!, I'm sorry something actually got into my eyes!" She quickly wiped them. "What do you want?" He faced Erica, and she kissed him instead of replying. He giggled into the kiss, and Kristen made disgusting faces before they broke it. "Something light, like noodles" Erica whispered after the kiss "Noodles, make it fast" Alfred said. "Sure sir" Kristen replied, rushing into the kitchen. ••• Dinner has just been consumed, and Metawin is currently in the living room, watching Hazel Keys musical show. He's a big fan of Hazel, so he's always smiling while watching. He was eating from a bowl of popcorn, placing his legs on each other as he watched. 🎵 Fly me to the stars! He sang the line of the music along as Tamara came downstairs. She smirked when she saw he's watching Hazel Keys again. She hates her so much,if not for anything...for what she did to Abel, leaving him with a kid, ju

yes. "Don't tell me they're gonna do it in the living room... don't... Erica unbolted his belt, and his already hard member spranged out. She propelled it into her v*gina, sitting on it while he held her @ss more firmly, moving it up and down his d**k. "Gosh!... You're so sweet Alfred!" "Ouch!, Oh my gosh!" "Oh geez!" "Oh my!" "Ohhh!!" The slapping of their skins filled the whole living room, and Alfred did the worse by lowering her gown in the front, then he started sucking on her pointed n*pples like a baby. Erica rode him wilder at the same time, making sure she receives his whole length at each intrusion. "Oh ma gawd!" "Oh ma.... Ohh!' Kristen fell on her knees from where she's watching from, then she rested her head on the wall in a funny way. "I just watched a live pornography, Lord take my soul" Rita came in that minute, and immediately she saw the scene, her eyes widened. "What the hell!, In my living room?" They both pretended not to see her, they kept f**king. Rita dropped her bag and smirked, then she stormed into the kitchen. "Welcome miss" Kristen greeted, but she only grabbed the knife before rushing out of the kitchen. Immediat

d" he called in the usual way, rubbing his eyes. "Did you sleep well?" Abel asked, helping him up. "No" Bright replied, hugging him. "Why?" "I dreamt about mum, she said she's coming back soon" he replied, and Abel sighed before standing, carrying him in his arms into the bathroom "Let's hope she does, ok?" He said, and Bright nodded. He's in the bathroom already, and they brushed together then he dropped him in the jacuzzi tub after stripping him. "Do you even have the right to see my wee wee?, I'm a big man yunno" he said, covering his d**k "When did this one start?" Abel laughed. "Gist me about the lady that slept here last night, What did

asked a question" "Oh...I was waiting for your orders" Kristen replied. "Make macaroni and salad, then prepare some cheese as a side dish for me" Rita said. "Yes ma'am' Kristen ran into the kitchen, and Rita sat in the living room. She dialled Cassandra's line. "Hey idiot, get here in the next one hour, I'm too tired to dress up by myself this morning, so come dress me up" she said. "Sure" Cassandra replied, and she hung up. Alfred came down and ignored her. Rita hissed as he entered the kitchen. "Goodmorning Mr Jenkins" Kristen greeted. He only nodded as he got himself a cup of warm water which he drank. "Whatever you're cooking, cook four people's portion" he said, and she faced him. "Sir?" "I have a friend who rarely comes out, he hates cooking but loves homemade food. I'll give you his address and you'll go give him" he replied. "Sure sir" she smiled. "No one is taking any food out of this h

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