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Enslaved To The Ruthless Mafia

Chapter 5 When was the last time you fu**ed

Word Count: 1718    |    Released on: 11/06/2023


and hoping as I'd learned to do these days for some miracle that

and walked over to the window. I stood for a while staring at the large expanse of

a crisp knock on the door. I frowned and tightened my hold on the bathrobe. The person

roadly at me. She was holding a lot of bags in her hands which I assumed were clothes. She was a very beautiful woman with raven black hair and beauti

iced my unfriendliness and didn't say much. She put the bags down on the bed and spoke."

cocked a brow in sur

red, "Mr. Andino is the owner

d please tell Mr. Andino that I'm not hungry and won't be joining him in the dining

ing to like that Miss. Please just come to the dinin

imply because I refused to have breakfast. I mean

e was loaded, I mean look around the room, everything there screamed money, the four-poster bed, the bedside lamp that he broke. I saw it online o

d walked over to the bed to pick out a suitable cloth. Surprisingly underwear was provided. I t

open. I scrambled upwards and tried

ressed properly this time around with a white shirt and a pair of grey slacks, the shirt made him look absolutely delectable, it made

mething to me that I absolutely hated. I felt the heat pooling in my abdomen as his gaze raked my skin lingering on my breasts and lower half. And he didn't even

ed my robe around me and regained some of my confidence and eyed him warily. "Don't you have the

oor and walked up to me. "I was taught that Bella, but this is my house so it doesn't

erously and his words made me stunned. " I heard that, and the next time that

ely I was turned on by it. In my mind, I cursed my traitorous body countless times. So what if he wa

and moved away a little from m

utes be informed that I'll watch you get dressed myself." He smirked again and walked out self-assuredly because he knew and I kn

e to me and whispered as we walked down the stairs. "Are you okay

didn't do anything to me." She heaved an obvious sigh of relief and walked me down the stairs in silence. I di

ning. His eyes attracted me deeply. There was just something about them. I could feel that he was

t me to walk to the table alone. I took a seat at the furthest chair from him and eyed t

ed browsing the business magazine he was holding in his hands. I noticed the watch he was wearing and i

I blushed scarlet and covered my tummy with my hand. I sneaked a peak at Mr. Andino and caught a ghost of a smile on his lips. I wa

ted wolfing down the food without a care.

ast time you fu

y eyes watered. Sofia rushed over and gave me a glass of water.

I didn't just have an encounter with hades all because of him. "Answer my question bella."

t to you, M

e spoke slowly as he stared at me. Sometimes I forget

hat. My sexual life has

ven't been fucked in a long t

I stood up and hit the table glaring at him "I'm not doing this anymore. You know what, fuck you, asshole." I flipped him the bird and jogged up

ed as I crafted an escape plan. I couldn't stay here an

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1 Chapter 1 Kidnapped2 Chapter 2 At the auction house3 Chapter 3 A little sexy gift4 Chapter 4 Be my wh*re5 Chapter 5 When was the last time you fu**ed 6 Chapter 6 Punished7 Chapter 7 Getting into your pants8 Chapter 8 Meeting a jealous mistress9 Chapter 9 Moaning in the study10 Chapter 10 Your body wants mine11 Chapter 11 Meeting the girls12 Chapter 12 Stop breathing down my neck13 Chapter 13 Looking for this 14 Chapter 14 I'll be leaving15 Chapter 15 Dining with the Devil16 Chapter 16 Nightmares and Killer Mistress17 Chapter 17 Temptations and Chaos18 Chapter 18 Saved by her mafian angel19 Chapter 19 Ravishing her lips amidst finding the mole20 Chapter 20 Catching the snake in the green grass21 Chapter 21 Taking a risky mission22 Chapter 22 Caught in the act23 Chapter 23 You can't escape me now24 Chapter 24 Getting to play the obedient role25 Chapter 25 Accepting a deadly request26 Chapter 26 Could this be murder27 Chapter 27 Commotions in the house28 Chapter 28 You disobedient b**ch of mine29 Chapter 29 Dealing with a pain in the a**30 Chapter 30 You know how much you drive me crazy31 Chapter 31 Sleeping with the devil32 Chapter 32 Cracking a good deal33 Chapter 33 Accepting a great offer34 Chapter 34 Could it really be Arianna35 Chapter 35 False accusations against Arianna36 Chapter 36 Confronting the two faced b**ch liar37 Chapter 37 I think I'm dreaming38 Chapter 38 Giving her no room for escape39 Chapter 39 Satisfying my needs40 Chapter 40 Breathing fresh air at last41 Chapter 41 Sealing the deal42 Chapter 42 Discovering more about my body guards43 Chapter 43 My angel seems to be getting more guts44 Chapter 44 Work, work, work45 Chapter 45 Discovering the bitter truth46 Chapter 46 My princess is all heartbroken47 Chapter 47 It hurts me to see her in pain48 Chapter 48 Seeing him in his weak state49 Chapter 49 Making the angel know she's nothing but my mistress50 Chapter 50 The shameless devil51 Chapter 51 I can't seem to resist the angel52 Chapter 52 Please Gabriel don't53 Chapter 53 Could he be feeling the same for me54 Chapter 54 What does Demyan have up his sleeves55 Chapter 55 The Party56 Chapter 56 Too late to resist him57 Chapter 57 There's no turning back with her58 Chapter 58 Beautiful temptation59 Chapter 59 Falling for my mistress60 Chapter 60 How foolish I am to think he loves me61 Chapter 61 Speaking with mafia lord62 Chapter 62 I have to survive63 Chapter 63 No my angel can't die64 Chapter 64 Live for me my angel65 Chapter 65 Finally hearing the words I've always yearned to hear66 Chapter 66 Keeping my cool67 Chapter 67 Home at last68 Chapter 68 Anything for my angel69 Chapter 69 Movie night70 Chapter 70 I need a free time with friends71 Chapter 71 Why can't he stop being stubborn72 Chapter 72 I hate it when he's mad at me73 Chapter 73 Waking up his monster74 Chapter 74 I'm mad over you Arianna75 Chapter 75 Meeting my Noona at last76 Chapter 76 Leave my princess out of this77 Chapter 77 Abducted for the second time78 Chapter 78 Finding my love79 Chapter 79 Brett the f***king maniac80 Chapter 80 Happiness at last