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Selma A Leader

Selma A Leader

Author: L.C

Chapter 1 The Call of Freedom

Word Count: 1376    |    Released on: 16/06/2023

of determination, woke up in the small stone house she called home. Birdsong echoed through

ithin her. She knew that day would mark the beginning of a journey that would change the course of h

led in an arranged marriage to Adnan, a man she barely knew. His name was enough to send shivers do

e swore to herself that she would find a way to unlock the secrets Adnan was hiding and free herself from the inv

ook one last look at her home, where moments of happiness and sadness had been shared over the years. She knew

d. Every step was an affirmation of her determination and courage. Although she felt the weight of uncer

the unknown, defying the invisible bonds that kept her prisoner. She was willing to face any challenge tha

step towards her journey, ready to face the unknown and discover her own destiny. The flame of freedom burned i

s-by filled the air. She felt the curious eyes of strangers on her, but that didn't intimida

led her there, as if the words contained in the books could offer some guidance on her journey. She flipped throu

most erased by time, caught her attention: "Secrets Beyond Appearances". It was as if fate had plac

heart, a determination grew to unravel the secrets that trapped her in her unwanted marriage. She c

The imposing walls and majestic gate seemed built to hide dark secrets and invisibl

confronting Adnan and his family, unraveling the secrets buried under false smiles and oppressive

h before her was shrouded in shadows and uncertainty, but she was willing to move forward. Each step wa

e was about to confront the man she was destined to marry, the one who held hidden secrets tha

met in an instant of intensity. Selma knew that would be the crucial m

ut the truth. I will no longer be a prisoner of choice

entarily disconcerted. He recognized the courage that emanated from

rehension. "Selma," he replied, his voice filled with contained emotion, "you

ermined to face whatever came her way. "Adnan, secrets are like chains that impr

stepped back, inviting Selma inside. She crossed the threshold of the mans

l conventions that seemed suffocating. She carefully observed every detail, taking in

members of Adnan's family. It was clear that her presence caused some di

discreetly investigate, looking for clues, talking to servants and c

secrets that affected not only Adnan's life, but also the dynamics of the entire family. She understood that her arranged mar

dom. She realized that she was not alone in her struggle. There were people who shared his

nd defying the conventions imposed by society. However, she was willing to

he truth. She was determined to unravel all the secrets, free herself from the shackles that he

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1 Chapter 1 The Call of Freedom2 Chapter 2 Hidden Revelations3 Chapter 3 The Threads of Resistance4 Chapter 4 beyond the shadows5 Chapter 5 The Renaissance6 Chapter 6 Beyond Borders7 Chapter 7 hidden conspiracies8 Chapter 8 Renovation and Reconstruction9 Chapter 9 The Combat10 Chapter 10 The Renewal of Hope11 Chapter 11 The revelation12 Chapter 12 Lights and Shadows13 Chapter 13 The Light in the Darkness14 Chapter 14 Lights and Shadows15 Chapter 15 The Unexpected Turnaround16 Chapter 16 Unexpected Alliances17 Chapter 17 Betrayals Revealed18 Chapter 18 Shadows from the past19 Chapter 19 The Decisive Battle20 Chapter 20 The revelation21 Chapter 21 The Growing Resistance22 Chapter 22 The Turn of Power23 Chapter 23 Beyond Borders24 Chapter 24 Beyond the Limits25 Chapter 25 The Path to Transformation26 Chapter 26 The Fight for Truth27 Chapter 27 The Revealing Scenario28 Chapter 28 The Reconstruction of Alamar29 Chapter 29 The Unexpected Turnaround30 Chapter 30 The Path to Reconstruction31 Chapter 31 The Hidden Revelation32 Chapter 32 The Betrayal33 Chapter 33 Corrupt members34 Chapter 34 The Renaissance35 Chapter 35 The alliance36 Chapter 36 The Web of Lies37 Chapter 37 The Solitude of Reflection38 Chapter 38 In the Shadows of Betrayal39 Chapter 39 moment of peace40 Chapter 40 The Call to Action41 Chapter 41 The Reconstruction42 Chapter 42 The National Call43 Chapter 43 The date44 Chapter 44 The Reconstruction45 Chapter 45 The Reconstruction46 Chapter 46 The Conquest of the Impossible47 Chapter 47 Facing the Challenges48 Chapter 48 The Victory of Hope49 Chapter 49 A New Struggle50 Chapter 50 The Journey Beyond Borders51 Chapter 51 Retirement52 Chapter 52 plans53 Chapter 53 feeling relaxed54 Chapter 54 Plans in Action55 Chapter 55 Normal life56 Chapter 56 Invitation57 Chapter 57 Agitation58 Chapter 58 decisions59 Chapter 59 Duty accomplished60 Chapter 60 motherhood61 Chapter 61 daughters62 Chapter 62 Challenges63 Chapter 63 New phase64 Chapter 64 Longing65 Chapter 65 Claims66 Chapter 66 Division67 Chapter 67 Alamar68 Chapter 68 divided69 Chapter 69 fights70 Chapter 70 Passion71 Chapter 71 The NGO72 Chapter 72 Influence73 Chapter 73 The mission74 Chapter 74 The comeback75 Chapter 75 Actions76 Chapter 76 humanitarian fights77 Chapter 77 Danger78 Chapter 78 From mother to daughters79 Chapter 79 Trajectory80 Chapter 80 celebrations81 Chapter 81 Retirement82 Chapter 82 Final chapter