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Chapter 3 Overlook

Word Count: 2115    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

eth--watch out for the kiddies," sa

e like! Keineth was very excited and a little tired from the night in the sleeper; she was fighting back the thought that she would not see Daddy for a long, long time. Daddy had gone with them

t all. Then he had hurried off the train, for the conductor was shouting: "All aboard----" and Keineth, pe

phine's present to her, and followed Mr. Lee to the door. Around the corner of his arm sh

Peggy! Keineth saw a bob-headed, slim chil

t strangled in Billy's hug. In their joy at seeing their father the girls did not no

usually solid! In a moment Keineth felt three pa

le stranger I hav

swept a critical glance over Keineth's city-clad little figure. Mr. Lee, holding Al

began Peggy as the children f

s thought seventeen very old--but Barbara was dressed in a blue skirt and a middy blouse like Peggy's and wore her hair in a long, thick braid. She had

ag. Then, to her father: "We didn't think Genevieve would run! She'

s the smaller girls cuddled into the back seat. Billy rod

is father's ear a great deal of information concerning his wireless. Peggy in breathl

road, up a hill, turned in between two stone posts and stopped. Down the steps ran a woman who seemed to Keinet

" called out Peggy, d

ry close for a moment. When she released her she

n," she laughed, although there wa

"Bring in their bags, Billy. Barb--let's give Dad a nice h

and coat. Very willingly

ou the garde

the beach!" crie

ee my wireless se

the only interesting

time! Keineth is tired, perhaps. Take her upstairs, Peggy, and let her

end of the veranda was enclosed in glass and used as a dining-room. Flowers in boxes were on the sills of the windows and over them the sun streamed through chintz-curtained windows. Upstairs were two rooms over the living-rooms, and opening from these were screened sl

sleep when it rain

roof slants down so far that it keeps out the

e stretch of water glistening in the br

e lake?" she ex

saving medal this year! We have sport contests at the club in August. Can you play tennis?" Keineth said no. Peggy's manner became just a little p


me. Barbara plays a dandy game--she can beat Dad a

e had put in her seed in a pattern of her own designing which, when she separated the weeds from the flowers would look like a splendid combination of a new moon and the Big Dipper. Barbara and Alice had planted asters and snapdragon because mother liked

r of the shed. As the girls came in sigh

out. He dropped his hammer, disappeared in

ent she wanted more than anything else in the world that these children should not think she was a bit differen

," began Pegg

roke in Keineth in a voice she trie

y bareback--climb up

avely swung one leg over the pony's back, taking the halter in her hand as s

lenched her teeth tightly and, because she was in mortal terror of slipping off from the pony, she gripped her knees with all her might against his sh

xplained to Mr. Lee that Gypsy's training had included quietly throwing the clown from her back in a way which had always won screams of laughter from the spectators and that the little act came at the moment when the clown touched a certain spot on her neck! All the young Lees had ridden Gypsy but had not happened to discover this little tr

Peggy, running quickly to

ring mother out!" Keineth hear

for a moment everything danced before her eyes, she managed to la

tle fall like that!" she bru

she's a real scout!" and Keineth

we can't go down to the beach before lunch!" she cal

h garden smells, fanned their faces as the girls lay there. What a day it had been to Keineth--she had played in the sand, waded in the warm shallows of the lake, raced with Peggy and Alice through the fields all white with daisies and had g

sephine and Fido and the French maid, and the tenants on the third floor and her Daddy--who'd gone away on a secret. Peggy, very sleepily pictured what they'd do on the morrow and the day after and the day a

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