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She's the boss

Chapter 2 Why am I so unlucky 😩

Word Count: 1850    |    Released on: 19/06/2023


She's been pretending all this while claiming she loves me? I have never been this shattered all my life. People I trust turn out to betray me! I love her so much! I gave her all my heart thinking I was going to end up with her as my wife but reverse is the case! I wouldn't blame her, she can't possibly settle down with a poor man like me! I ain't from a wealthy home, I don't even have a car! " Damien" I quickly wiped my tears as I heard Mum calling me. I don't want her to see me crying, it will only add to her health issues. I picked up this job for her, she needs to get treated and I don't have the money! " Dam are you there?" " Y..yes Mum, I'm coming " I briskly stood up heading out of my room composing myself! " Good evening Mum " I greeted. " How are you? You don't look fine Son, is there a problem?" She asked worriedly. Can I ever hide anything from her? " I am fine Mum, I am " " Are you sure? " " Yes mum, where's Josephine?" I asked. " I am here bro " she said coming out from the kitchen looking all gloomy! Okay! What's wrong with her? " Are you alright munchkin?" I asked going towards her! My family are the reason I am living . A stone thrown to them will definitely kill me! My mum and sister! They are everything to me! " How did you expect me to be fine when Mum told me you will be leaving us tomorrow ?" She asked pouting. Oh that? There's no any other option! I have to live with Brittany and yes! I am moving in tomorrow! " You shouldn't worry munchkin, I will always be around for you and besides it's just few block away from here " I convinced her. " I will be able to come see you anytime?" She asked again! I am not sure of that! I heard she's very principled ... " Yeah, sure. So smile for me baby girl" I said ruffling her hair. " I am sorry Son, that you have to suffer for us " Mum said tearily! Gosh! I hate seeing her cry! " Mum, it's my responsibility to take care of you and Josephine! I am not complaining okay?" " Thank you bro " " It's fine, now can we eat?" I have a very big day tomorrow! How will I be living with Brittany? Is all the rumors about her true? That's the only thing scaring me! But I wouldn't give up right? Not at this point again! * * * * 🌺 Hilda 🌺 Idiot! I made sure she was purely drunk before executing my plans! I so much hate Brittany! I hate her! She thinks of me as a friend but I think of her as a m enemy! She's taking everything away from me, the fame, the wealth. Just everything! I become just a shadow any where she is. " Take her away and be fast about it " I told the four men waiting patiently! Brittany is so drunk that she slept off here in the party. I did it though! That was one of my plans, to get her drunk! I want to destroy her! I don't want her to have any self value! " Okay " They chorused as one of them picked her on his shoulder! If you must know, I want the four of them to take advantage of her! I don't care how you see me as but I will do anything to cause her pain! They can h

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