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The Mistress's Gambit: Fated Game

The Mistress's Gambit: Fated Game



Word Count: 1671    |    Released on: 22/06/2023

1: THE F

lutter with anticipation, the island seemed to resound my emotions, and the fishermen laughed heartily as they offloaded their nets from the boats happy at the prospec

prices, cut a corner, took a shortcut I and Matteo had discovered behind the chapel, and ran down a flight of stairs. If I hadn't slowed do

y ruffled my hair. I excitedly picked up momentum again when he turned his attention

t door of our modest home into the kitchen, startlin

ith anticipation as I waved the envelope frantically

ly set the silverware on the small dining table and plucked the letter out of my hands. As her eyes glanced through

an was the culmination of years of hard wo

e pulled me into a hug. My heart swelled with happiness as I felt her warm embrace. As we hugged, my eyes roamed aroun

had been a challenging journey for the family. My mother had worked tirelessly to take care of Matteo and me, she sacrificed her desires to ensure we had food on the table, shelter over our heads, and

t cry." I continued as I led her towards the dini

worked so hard to get here and now

oing to say, I had been thinking about it as well. I might have gotten into the University but we barely had enough money to buy

Don't worry Mamma." I added,

ed with the prepar

re. He would be so proud o

aid after a mom

red in my ey

My father's memory had become a guiding light for us,

without your love and support Mamm

and determined, just like your father." She replied and kissed my forehead. "Quick, let's

y got off their boats. It's been a great day, I don't want it to end

* * * *

termined to finance my education without becoming a burden to my mother. The admission letter represented more than just an acceptance into a prestigious institution to me. It was a symbol of hope, of a future brimming wi

ad when I was a child. The metropolis had fascinated me, I felt a rush in my body when I first experienced the buzz of the city, now I was going to the metropolis on my own. I was going to experience things for myself. I felt a wave of sa

ride and worry. She had decided to accompany me to the bus station, her excuse was that she wanted to bid her daughter a proper farewell but I presume that she was yet to come to terms w

nto a cacophony of excitement and farewell. I clutched my mother's hand tightly as we made our

ion. "It feels like, just yesterday you were a little girl, and now look at you, all grow

me from, Mom. I'll always carry your love and support with me. I'll send letter

th a comforting warmth that seemed to envelop me. "Remember, my love, I'll be cheering you on, every step of the way. And no letters. It makes no sense to spend all your money on stamps. We wi

nd my eyes widened at the

t's all you have. Y

You need this, it's not much to start on but I

understanding her unwavering faith. As the bus attendant called out to the passengers to b

ing a world of gratitude. "I promise, I won't

ing, yet buoyed by the anticipation of what lay ahead. Through the window, I

d and my eyes fixed on the horizon-the beacon of a futu

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1 Chapter 1 THE FAREWELL 2 Chapter 2 THE HOPE3 Chapter 3 BLUE EYES 4 Chapter 4 FAUX MORALITY 5 Chapter 5 INTERRUPTED DESPAIR 6 Chapter 6 FALLEN TEMPTATION 7 Chapter 7 LUST AND BLOOD 8 Chapter 8 TWO DATES9 Chapter 9 SELF-DENIAL 10 Chapter 10 QUEST FOR LUXURY 11 Chapter 11 NERVOUS EXCITEMENT 12 Chapter 12 UNDISCLOSED SECRETS 13 Chapter 13 RED PAIN14 Chapter 14 DENIAL 15 Chapter 15 SIMPLY A MISTRESS 16 Chapter 16 A PROBLEM 17 Chapter 17 HER THREAT18 Chapter 18 A THREAT 19 Chapter 19 VANILLA AND LIPSTICK 20 Chapter 20 THE WHORE AND HER ENEMY 21 Chapter 21 BITTERSWEET 22 Chapter 22 HIS WIFE OR NOT23 Chapter 23 FIRE AND BODIES 24 Chapter 24 PARANOIA 25 Chapter 25 GOOD NEWS OR BAD NEWS 26 Chapter 26 COWARDICE OR BRAVERY 27 Chapter 27 DINING WITH THE ENEMY 28 Chapter 28 EXPECTED SHOCK 29 Chapter 29 FOES ON A DATE 30 Chapter 30 GAME ON!31 Chapter 31 HICCUPS 32 Chapter 32 THE PLOY AND THE SURPRISE33 Chapter 33 THE PAST IN HER PRESENT 34 Chapter 34 A LITTLE LONGER 35 Chapter 35 MYSTERIOUS FRIEND 36 Chapter 36 THE INTERROGATION 37 Chapter 37 SMILE FOR THE CAMERA 38 Chapter 38 DANCING EYES39 Chapter 39 THE PHOTOGRAPHS40 Chapter 40 THE OTHER MAN41 Chapter 41 CONCEDE DEFEAT42 Chapter 42 FATAL43 Chapter 43 THE LETTER 44 Chapter 44 EVIDENT CHAOS45 Chapter 45 SHE KEPT HER PROMISE 46 Chapter 46 NO LOOSE END 47 Chapter 47 GLASS IN SKIN 48 Chapter 48 PENETRATED 49 Chapter 49 DIVERSION 50 Chapter 50 TWINS51 Chapter 51 THE BIRTH OF KALEA ALLEN52 Chapter 52 HONOLULU 53 Chapter 53 HAWAIIAN CLASSIC 54 Chapter 54 BRAD OF PEACE 55 Chapter 55 ARRIVAL OF THE TWINS 56 Chapter 56 RELENTLESS DEVIL 57 Chapter 57 SERGIO'S REALIZATION 58 Chapter 58 THE RED HAIRED MEMORY 59 Chapter 59 APOLOGETIC 60 Chapter 60 DODGED TRUTHS 61 Chapter 61 A GAME TO CATCH 62 Chapter 62 RELIEF 63 Chapter 63 NO BUMP, NO PREGNANCY 64 Chapter 64 OPEN SECRET 65 Chapter 65 MANIAC 66 Chapter 66 INTERMISSION 67 Chapter 67 UNEXPECTED 68 Chapter 68 INTERTWINED FINGERS 69 Chapter 69 BEN NOT BRAD70 Chapter 70 EXPOSED INTENTIONS 71 Chapter 71 SERGIO'S SHOCK 72 Chapter 72 THE CHAMPAGNE BOTTLE 73 Chapter 73 TRUTHFUL DETAILS74 Chapter 74 CAUGHT UP 75 Chapter 75 DARK SAD EYES 76 Chapter 76 SLIPPED TOWEL 77 Chapter 77 THE GAMBIT TALE 78 Chapter 78 OPEN WOUNDS 79 Chapter 79 Deadly Schemes. Deadly Regrets 80 Chapter 80 A MINEFIELD OF REGRETS 81 Chapter 81 A News So Good82 Chapter 82 A Wonderful Night Of Bliss83 Chapter 83 A Massimo Vs A Forte 84 Chapter 84 Subdued