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LMEE academy

Chapter 2 One

Word Count: 2554    |    Released on: 23/06/2023

trouble?" i think out loud "What bad thing did I do recently? "Think Mel, think, was it Mrs bell who reported you? are you going to get suspended or

h stuffing all my things into my suitcase and sit on it so I can zip it up. After struggling for 3 minutes it finally zips up and I carry it on my head because the wheels broke last month when Ella jumped on it on accident. Ella finally finishes up in the bathroom and rushes out of the door while screaming "text me later". I head out of the room with the suitcase on top of my head and one in my hand earning weird looks from the girls and teachers in the hallway, i get a little bit embarrassed and I remembered what my mom would say in this situation which is to ignore them because this is how African women carry things on their heads back in the day and even now. I get to the driveway and see my mom standing outside their car. She's a middle aged black African woman. She has brown wavy hair with a line of grey in her frontal hair line. She has almond shaped brown eyes with a wide nose and heart shaped lips. She has full cheeks and a round face and she wears black framed glasses. "Aren't you going to help?" I shout panting "Mechewww" she hisses and opens the car door. "Your mates in Nigeria wouldn't dare ask their mother's this without earning two or three abaras( beating on the back), look at this girl asking her weak old mother to carry her luggages for her after carrying her for nine months without assistance and pushing out her big head for 10 hours straight" She shakes her head and hisses again and gets into the car. I struggle to the car and open the boot, i put all my heavy suitcases inside my parents black BMW 760Li and open the back door, i sit down and both my parents are extremely quiet, and didn't talk at all on the way home. I check the time and it's 7pm, now and we're few minutes away from home. *Ding *Red head❤️* : When are you coming back? *Red head❤️* : Have you found out what's going on ? I decide to just ignore her message because I didn't have any new information to give her. The car comes to a halt and i realize we're already parked in the garage. "I have something to tell you" my dad says and my mom leaves the car and heads into the house. "What's wrong?" I ask "Uh" he stutters "JUST SPIT IT OUT" "We're moving to California-" "WHAT!" "Next month" He continued "NEXT MONTH??" "WHY?" "I got a really really good job offer" "Yes,I know you're disappointed but i just need you to embrace the chan-" "DISAPPOINTED?? I'M ON TOP OF THE MOON RIGHT NOW" i interrupt "Okay great" "Great" i smile "Now get out of my car" "Yes sir" i say running upstairs to my room I open my door and stood there stunned at the appearance of the room. It was just like u didn't decorate it. A princess like feel but more matured. Shimmering silver lights laced the white walls and a flower pot hung freely close to the bed. The soft bed had two layers clothing's,the white bedsheet and baby pink soft furry duvets. My eyes travelled to the far ended corner of the room,I noticed a private spot closed to the verandah,baby pink curtains graced the entrance and chairs painted white with soft light pink cushions were arranged neatly. A walk in closet siting at the middle of the room making it look even grand,simple but of royalty. I jump on my bed excitedly and bring out my phone to call my roommate Ex roommate. "have news" "Spill" "My parents just told me we're moving to LA next week" "WHY?" "DAD GOT A NEW JOB" "WHAT, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU, YOU'LL FINALLY GET TO LEAVE THIS HELLHOLE" "I KNOW RIGHT" "Damn California, you're really going to miss me mel" "I'm really going to miss you too- wait" "I know" "You're really corny you know that right?" "Smd, are you to come and say goodbye to me and the girls" "Yes, sure, i have a month" "MELANIE" My mom calls for me interrupting me and Ella's conversation. "My mom's calling me,I'll call you back" "okay bye" she hangs up. I rush downstairs to see why my parents are calling me and I see my parents near the kitchen island looking confused and worried, my dad sees me and wipes that look off his face. "Hey kiddo" "Yeah?" I respond "Remember how i said we're moving next month?" I nod my head "We have to be there in two days" "WHAT!" I exclaim "Madam stop shouting and go and start packing your things" My mom says firmly I know better than to reply back to her so i turn and head upstairs but she stops me. "Hey, i hope

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