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Peter's Mother

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 3193    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

older portion of Barracombe House; the low w

es, and maps; but he could no longer see to read or write. He made a stiff preten

rly, rather pompous gentleman, with a bald head,

sperous and self-satisfied persons sometimes are, even

te his patient, was neither

e rather unkempt locks of black hair which fell over it were streaked with white. From the d

letter," he said. "I had no idea

ep of leaving home the day before yesterday, I had resolved to follow the adv

ir Jame

ed Herslett. You ma

new man. Very clever, of course. If anything, a greater authorit

d a breach of medica

sfied tones. "But I f

f the case to Power. A

have an absolutely

id Blundel

aid Sir Timothy. The triumph s


ch did not move the doctor to mirth. "I'm bound to say he confirmed your op

Blundell, turni

iate. He spoke of it quite frankly as the only possible chance of

ve a fine constitution, and you have lived a heal

eal before me is a very severe one, as you must be well aware. I must

mpathies and interests. He believed him to be an upright man according to his lights, which were not perhaps very brilliant lights after all; but he knew him to be one whom few people found i

an for a bad heart. The one is their private posse

kept people at a distance and in awe of him. The idea was a foolish one, no doubt, but then Sir Timothy was not a wise man; on the contrary, his lifelong determination to keep himself loftily apart from his fellow-men had resulted in an almost extraordinary ignorance of the w

were considerably his seniors, and had in turn been brought up at Barracombe by their grandmother; whose maxims they still quoted, an

almost tragically charged with the typical matter-of-fact courage of the Englishman; who displays neith

to be?" sa



house. I shall recover far more rapidly-if I am to recover-among my people, in my native air. Lo

performs the ope

carriage over for him and his assistants early to-morrow morning. You, of cour

doctor might be moved

e with unusu

understood, a

ourse, to let you kno

d, also, to introduce

o came dow

e Q

my executor and trustee,

y, I presume?" said th

be invaluable to her. I have a high opinion of him. He has succeeded in life through his own energy, and he is the only member of my family who has never applied to me for assistance. I inquired the rea

necdote. "May I ask how Lady Mary i

of the matter," said the

not prep

difficult for me to maintain my own self-command. Herslett said I was not to be agitated. I shall bid them all good night just as usual. In the morning I beg you will be good enough to make the necess

ady Mary may be deeply shocked and hurt at being thus excluded from your confidence in so serious a case. Sho

will say that I forbade you to make the communi

don," said Dr.

onstrance for apology. He was quite honestly incapable of s

t graciously. "She has been sheltered from anxiety, from trouble of every kind, since her childh

Yet she is the mother of

up! Nonsense!

octor, shortly. "You d

assured, Dr. Blundell," said Sir Timothy, with grim emphasis, "that

r. The squire lowered his

ave told you, and say that I should wish him to be pre

ured countenance appeared in the doorw

adies desired me-that is, Lady Belstone and Miss Cr

was constitutionally timid and amiable, and his dislike

roper respect, and maintained a distant b

. A London outing is a rare thing for you. I hope you enj

successfully, thank you,"

any fresh ne

e at

er the country. It's a fine thing, so many young fellows r

ortunity to be concerned in brawling and bloodshed, especially when it is legali

road to defend them, I wonder!" cried the canon, flushing all over his rosy face,

n impressive short pause of displeasure. "I will join you presently, Dr. Bl

him the tall and portly form silhouetted against the window; the last gleam of daylight illuminating the iron-grey hair; the

is opinions are?" the doctor asked vexedly, as he stu

d seems to fly to the tip of my tongue," said the poor canon, apologetically; "though I had a reason for allu

I hope," said the

," said Birch. "It is very important.

tter from Peter?" said the doctor, an

aid the canon, humbly. "Will you cast your eye over it? You se

as written in a schoolboy hand, and n


es, I consider papa very nearly a pro-Boer. We've orders to sail on Friday, which is sharp work; but I should be eternally disgraced now if they stopped me. As my father never listens to reason, far less to me, you had better explain to him that if he's any regard for the honour of our name, he's no choice left. I expect my mother had better



s job. I did try to get papa'

at bottom," said Canon Birch, anxious

obstinate, heartless young cu

is admiration of Peter's boldness was perceptible in his voice-"he does

heir fathers, and end by imitating them," said

rascal has laid his plans too well. He sails to-morrow. I telegraphed inquiries.

luntary movement, which t

do it," said the innocent gentleman. "There's no doubt, you know, that it must be done at once, or he can't get to Southampto

exclamation that did n

be stopped-and under the circumstances he's got us on toast-he can't cry off acti

t tell Sir

not tell S

er's father in ignorance of his action. I see exactly what you mean, of course. Sir Timothy will make unpleasantness, and very likely telegraph to his commanding officer, and disgrace the poor boy before his

e doctor, shortly. "As Sir Timothy's

he canon's light eyes g

dangerous operatio

less m

calm and unclouded one," said the doctor. "Respect his wis

over it?" said the canon

e t's crossed and t

"Of course there is a

fellow. I never thoug

as I do at

ike any man," falter

said the do

th Peter's letter?" sai

r distress of mind at such a moment would

is people. And his mother. Good God, Blundell!

over. As for Peter-well, devoted mother as she is, she must be pretty well accustomed by this time to the captious indifference of h

ence about Peter?" said the can

to him at once, and leave Sir

her in confidence

o understand that neither you

ing a secret," said

his shoulder. "No man in your profession, or in mine, ought to be able t

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