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EX-MATE:Destined By Fate

Chapter 5 Marry her

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 26/06/2023

were standing away from him with their heads bowed. Afraid to utter a wor

n't escape this,” Esmé said hesitantly,

re heir,” Kelly chimed in only to receive a death glare from Alej

erstand,” Esme coaxed more sweetly. Alejandro was angered, he had c

led angrily, for years he had tried to refrain from involving herse

ed, reminding him who he was. As the alpha of the pack, he led by e

rls he could sleep with, it had to be a girl with a b

finding a mate…if that girl goes out there and makes thi

n't want her,” he said more seriously. His voice w

er for a year and see if she conceives,” Esme said, shakin

well-known pack, Alejandro was a born leader, with a keen intellect and a strategic mind that made him a force to be reckoned

character, and undeniable charisma. He embodied the best qualities of an

her…” Esme said, jerking Alejandro back to his senses. He didn't know what to do. That girl was

get some fresh air and clear his mind. That meant it, he had to go to

alling me” Esme said with a frown. Kelly sco

girl did?” Kelly asked, Esme made a

man on the other side said weakened her knees. Even Ke

as she paced back and forth. She felt hot as she fanned herself

I…” Esme made a low yell but soon realized something

didn't have the strength to utter a word. How did she make

whispered and buried her face in

what we did…i

eir brother into sleeping with a girl of their choice and force him to marry her. Ever

athetic…” Kelly exclaimed as her eyes shone wit

Alex finds out…we are as good as dead,”the last thing they

something to threaten her with,” Kelly said, coaxing he

went to look for

dy Kate brought back her cr


humiliated enough. All I wanted was to go home and see my child. Alt

ce is heavily guarded,” the woman said with a frown. They mad

my throat made it impossible. I saw that man, the hatred, and disgust i

,”Kate said, and I was stunned. I thought I heard wrong. What did t

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