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Chapter 4 how it started and how it's going

Word Count: 1342    |    Released on: 30/06/2023

r, as my mind processed the situation further, I became aware of what was actually happening when he tightened his grip on me and inserted his tongue into my mouth. His hands then moved

hout my entire body, unlike any kiss I h

d beyond. Despite struggling to keep my eyes open, my fingers instinctively found his black dress shirt and clung to it, pulling him closer as I responded to his kiss. No... everything about this was wrong. What was I doing? What was he doing?! I instantly raised my hand

then almost

? Haha so spirited. Like a wild pony in ze d

hat in h

ely caressed the exposed skin above my dress, evoking delightful sensations that coursed through my entire being. It was almost overwhelming how incredibly pleasurable it felt. As his head descende

And also...he didn't even know for certain if I was a married woman or not. I don't care what I looked like standi

sing me. Was he a con artist? Was I about to get

thinking?! St

sible thing I could think of


immediately released

he said, but I wasn't going to try to f

n't know I don't have a husband!" I said this last statement with the temptation to poke my finger into

ly before turning hi

his how all French men acted or just him? He didn't seem particularly

dge and pointed towards t

ver been any good at lying, always fumbling for the right words to say th

he direction of my finger. He looked back at me as he casual


g my growing distress. I was already teetering on the edge of my sanity, and

know your name and this is all starting to freak me out, ok?" I snapped, backing

anied by an inherent unpredictability and a scorching heat that could be peri

tially obscuring his eyes. His hands remained comfortably nestled in his pockets as he leaned bac

. I simply saw a damsel who looked like she needed saving. Cle

I was having a hard time not staring at him. Micheal Lambart. The strange-but-hot French guy with one hell

trustworthy person, as if he could keep me safe somehow. I had the strangest inclination that he did not w

. I'm...A

as if he were staring straight into my soul. He

So perfect. Your husband

there was blessedly nothing I could do to hold them back. I immediately burst into tears again, right in front of him. Just like freaking Viru. It was

st his chest. In that moment, I hesitated only briefly before surrendering to the solace he offered-a chance to release my tear

as if I had known him for countless years. Standing there, pouring out my emotions into the fabric of his dress shirt, I caught a delicate w

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1 Chapter 1 The wedding day2 Chapter 2 Micheal Lambert3 Chapter 3 What manner of charm is this 4 Chapter 4 how it started and how it's going5 Chapter 5 Deep Reflection6 Chapter 6 There's something about him7 Chapter 7 Fuck Viru! 8 Chapter 8 My Knight in Shinning Armuor9 Chapter 9 The Awkward moment10 Chapter 10 He feeds me butterflies11 Chapter 11 Who really is Micheal Lambart12 Chapter 12 after the pain comes the rain13 Chapter 13 after the pain comes the rain (contd)14 Chapter 14 after the pain comes the rain (contd2) 15 Chapter 15 YOU ARE MY WIFE NOW 16 Chapter 16 Are you a gigolo or not 17 Chapter 17 I do not recognize him anymore18 Chapter 18 Micheal, you're a bastard 19 Chapter 19 HOW DID I GET HERE 20 Chapter 20 What has my grandfather done21 Chapter 21 THEY ARE AFTER OUR LIVES22 Chapter 22 TO MY SAFEHOUSE IN THE MALDIVES 23 Chapter 23 I'M BEGINNING TO LIKE MY HUSBAND24 Chapter 24 VIRU AGAIN, *sigh*25 Chapter 25 I'M BEGINNING TO FALL AGAIN26 Chapter 26 MY GUNS BIGGER THAN YOURS 27 Chapter 27 THEY HAVE A BAZOOKA AIMED AT US 28 Chapter 28 MON ANGE29 Chapter 29 Family Drama30 Chapter 30 Jealousy my nightmare31 Chapter 31 Laura the strange ex32 Chapter 32 I am your husband and i love you 33 Chapter 33 Claudette of dusseldorf34 Chapter 34 4 months pregnant35 Chapter 35 Like the Sun, she brightens my life.36 Chapter 36 What he does to me.. sigh37 Chapter 37 Hullo, little miss 38 Chapter 38 Expecting39 Chapter 39 We were in the cloud 40 Chapter 40 Don't let go41 Chapter 41 Nothing compares to you, mon femme. 42 Chapter 42 His Kisses broke my defences43 Chapter 43 What is he hiding 44 Chapter 44 Still loving In Japan45 Chapter 45 I'm obsessed with him, he's obsessed with me46 Chapter 46 Partying with coke heads47 Chapter 47 I cant believe my eyes48 Chapter 48 What have i done!!!49 Chapter 49 Now it's in God's hands50 Chapter 50 Echos from a Broken Heart51 Chapter 51 Take me to my granddaughter. 52 Chapter 52 Her name is Nadine...your husband named her. 53 Chapter 53 Take me home. 54 Chapter 54 MISERY IN PRISON55 Chapter 55 Angelina ... I'm getting released 56 Chapter 56 Michael is back57 Chapter 57 UNITED TO FAMILY58 Chapter 58 5859 Chapter 59 5960 Chapter 60 6061 Chapter 61 6162 Chapter 62 6263 Chapter 63 6364 Chapter 64 6465 Chapter 65 6566 Chapter 66 6667 Chapter 67 6768 Chapter 68 68