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Bound by Fate ( Romance and Fantasy Story)

Chapter 3 THE SHACKLES OF THE MATRIMONY ( 2_11Chapters)

Word Count: 5644    |    Released on: 08/07/2023

ested and frightened as the stranger's presence shattered the frail bond she had felt with Alexander. She

rb this sacred union?" As he got up from his seat, he regarded the visitor with narrowed

to the alpha king in a low, melodious whisper. Please excuse my interruption, Your Ma

h exhibited uneasiness. What information about her could this stranger possibly

trepidation. Then speak, but be careful with your

e and grief. "Queen Isabella, you are more than just a pawn in this gam

e her, reigniting the flickering flame of their connection throughout the ceremony. She couldn't help

e hall. The doors flung open, and Isabella's stepfather, Frederick, barged

bella's heart fell. What was he doing? He had come to con

ddressed Frederick. "Explain yourself,

ads of perspiration gathering on his forehead. "Your Majesty, there has been a

ingers immediately landed on her tummy, her head racing with a combination of amazement and uncertaint

nxiously expecting Alexander's reaction as the hall became filled with murmurs. Would he ignore her, or would he recognize the connection that had


la forced herself to hold her breath. She was in danger of being consumed by the weight of her secret a

wly raised his hand, drawing the courtiers' attention. Frederick, you will be imprisoned in the p

emoved from the hallway, Isabella's body was overcome with a mixture of relief and dread. Her life now rested in the hands of Alexa

ow me a little moment of solitude with Queen Isabella, I can explain the truth. "Your Majesty, I have furt

n out, and he nodded, letting the man come up to Isabella. The court

each discovery, Isabella's eyes grew wider, and she instinctively reached for her belly, where her unbo

e child I am carrying is certainly another man's, but the circumstances surrounding its creat

fascination and mistrust. "I demand the

cumstances that had forced her to become a breeder, and the covert bond she had developed with another hostage.

icy appearance. Despite the unusual circumstances, Isabella, I cannot criticize you for th

ed resentment and rage, but Alexander's reply gave her a glimpse of optimism. Maybe, just maybe

mong themselves, caught between their allegiances to the alpha monarch and rumors of scandal. How would people see the queen, who was h

The Start

d sly looks, endangering the tenuous bonds holding their allegiances together. Alexand

protection as any royal heir and that nothing bad will happen to them since they a

sity. Isabella's eyes welled with tears of relief as her heart overflowed with thankfulness. Despite the un

was out, there would be many who would try to take advantage of both her fragility and the alpha king'

potential power vacuum her predicament posed. They conversed in whispers, their ambition fueled by their dis

tion of resolve and worry. There are forces at work that endanger you and our unborn ch

d been thrown together against all odds, their forced union may have been

ugh the intricate web of royal intrigue by using her astute instincts, which she had developed during her time as a breeder. With his impos

eridia's hierarchy. They came across both friends and enemies along the road, including courtiers with the

the pandemonium, they experienced secret moments of affection, and as time went on, their bond be

e conspirators launched a furious response. Their lives were in jeopardy a

held hands with each other and locked unwavering gazes, sweat glistened on their brows. They prepared to engage their opponents h

the Shadow

aled room. Alexander and Isabella were standing side by side, exchanging quiet looks of d

endous groan. Isabella tightened her hold on the sword's hilt as her pulse beat rapidly.

addressed the invaders with a steely glare. "You will receive a fair trial

Veridia deserves a true ruler, not a puppet controlled by a common breeder," t

er for direction. Their relationship at that time was evident, with their shared understanding d

her actions propelled by her love for her kid and a desire to defend the guy who had offered her an unexpected act

lly through the air, deflecting strikes and dispatching their adversaries. He battled

of terror and adrenaline rushing through her veins, Isabella's heart beat in her chest. But she resisted giving in to hopele

of their endeavor, the invaders started to flee, leaving behind injured allies and dashed hopes.

eir enduring friendship, which had been developed through hardship and misfortune, had stood the test of tim

not give up once the fight revealed the extent of the plot against them. Their linked fingers

to confront whatever obstacles were in their path because of their deep love for one another and their fierce d

er of malice in their eyes confronted Isabella and Alexander

g Shadows

f mystery and gloom. Isabella's pulse quickened as a shiver spread down her spine. She automatical

pha King Alexander, what a show of courage and tenacity! But do not mistake this ba

wrinkled. They were who? What kind of secret agenda did they have? Alexan

ying a note of hardness. Who sent you? What are

as only started. I am just a messenger sent by people who have grown tired of your reign. They want to dep

o idea how far the plot against them really went. Their adversaries had gained

room in an ethereal mist. Alexander and Isabella strained their senses, prepar

Alexander and Isabella exchanged apprehensive looks as questions and doubts raced through

as ever. They spoke with dependable supporters while they planned and strategized thei

ealed, revealing a network of influential people, each with their own dark goals. Isabella and Alexander were caught up in a risky game of polit

oms. Her eyes widened with recognition as she studied the fading lettering. These pages contained the solutions they were looking fo


concealed was both devastating and illuminating, building a tapestry of lies and intergenerational power s

tified watcher, whose presence was cloaked in secrecy, observed with a mixture of calculation and fascina

eat infusing its tone. Proceed with care, because there are many who wo

the cloaked watcher had disappeared into the shadows. She couldn't get rid of the impres

ned. As they dug further into Veridia's past, they uncovered long-buried truths and revealed the covert plots that

umbers of threats. In the shadows, assassins waited for their chance to strike. They were always at risk of los

rmation and garner support. They were determined to restore justice to Veridia and shield their

from betrayal threatened to break the flimsy bond they had managed to forge. Even inside the gates of t

e plot and galvanize the people of Veridia behind them. They would do everything it too

attle. Their biggest foe's mark was on a bloodied letter that threatened them in the most fundamental way possible. They were forced to make the hard

A Last-Di

r unborn child gave her chills and fueled a powerful feeling of protectiveness th

." We cannot give up on our mission; we must find a w

correct; we've gone too far to turn back at this point. We'll take all nec

their unborn child. They enlisted the aid of their most dependable supporters, assembling

ways be by her side, hiding behind the security of a secret haven. Alexander would take the initiative in the

ven, his voice ringing with a zeal that moved the people's emotions. He exposed the traitors who ha

that their adversaries were always one step ahead, the cloaked observer reappeared. Isabella was awar

their enemies. She yearned to take part in the conflict, to stand by Alexander's side and confront th

hat went by, Isabella's pulse raced as her dread and hope danced delicately together. She clung to the hope tha

iddle of the mayhem. As the person removed their covering and revealed a fa

standing before her. His lips were moving in a wicked grin as his eyes twinkled with a combination of sadness and malice. Your d

the Past i

rt stopped. She felt a burst of rage and defiance that overcame the terror that tried to engu

ur reign of cruelty ends here. You no longer have any i

are nothing more than a pawn in this vast game, a means to an end, and

her stepfather alone. Her words rang out to them as they reverberated around the secret haven. Soon after

The room echoed with the crash of steel and defiant yells. Isabella battled fiercely, driven

ime. He cut through their enemies with a sword that was a maelstrom of force and accuracy. He was consumed

with an apparent irresistible force as they battled side by side, their motions perfectly coordinated. Their connec

His goal was obvious as he rushed toward her with a dagger. However, one of Isabella's devoted

hing covered in blood. Isabella's anger and sadness coalesced into a single, fiery determination. T

e tides changed, tipping the scales of power in their direction. Sensing their imminent defeat,

red words of thanks and regret as tears filled her eyes. Honoring their sacrific

nd the web of lies, had gone into hiding; no one knew where he was. They still had to find the real cause of their misery and bring him to justice before the decisive fight. They

The Decisi

m. They embarked on a persistent quest of the conspirators' leader, the puppet master who h

ous terrain and secret worlds. They were getting closer to their objective with each s

safety of the youngster depended on the network of their adversaries being completely destroyed heightened the

stronghold after being led by newfound allies and devoted pals. As they prepared to confront their gre

ike hallways presented a struggle at every turn. Alexander and Isabella traveled the peril

malice as he teased them from the shadows, reveling in their fight. But he was no longer playing around with Isab

r and Isabella engaged in a battle of power, skill, and steadfast resolve. Every move the pupp

rnered their opponent. A mixture of astonishment and familiarity filled Isabella's veins as her heart stopped.

lled circumstances from the start, and now I will declare my final triumph.

The information rocked her to the core and threatened to upend her perception of reality. But she resisted

ower was entwined in a symphony of light and evil as their swords cut through the air with purpose and ac

mask of the person fell off as they staggered backward, exposing a face contorted with wrath and despair. They exhaled on

standing among the fortress'

11: A Fr

rious. The puppet master's fortress was in ruins, its sinister secrets shining in the s

er tummy while her body ached from tiredness. Even though they were deeply burdened by the sacrifices they had

of persecution, the people of Veridia celebrated the overthrow of their rulers. As sources of courage and motiv

rsaries. They put into place changes to promote equality and justice for everyone, starting a period of peace and prosperity. The

promise, was anxiously anticipated by the country. With their love for one another growing stronger with

ver's threat of retaliation kept playing, serving as a reminder that their conflict was far from over. Even in times of calm

tronger than ever. She discovered the confidence to embrace the unknown and to confront whatever difficulties awaited them as th

e would guide each decision they made. Isabella's transformation from a slave breeder to a stron

m celebrated and began to make preparations for the birth of their child. Together, they would leave

had thought. A dangerous force that aimed to destroy all they had battled for was a new foe that was hiding in the shadows. K


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