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Office Gust

Chapter 2 Embracing new beginning

Word Count: 1315    |    Released on: 18/07/2023


breath I had been holding. I cannot believe my knee

ndsome l



es at me; they could possibly be mut

ell by his look that he was asking Logan questions, ma

ogan scoffed as he tucked

here spilled coffee on me this morning, you

n to give me some kind


den is supposed to be here…he would be

ould not let his wor

mpletely not Logan’s friend, I was taken into the office and that gave me the hunch that I

excitement and nervousness. It's a shared space with other project

counter with Logan weighing heavy on my mind. It was difficult to shake off the sting

of the desk, I found myself muttering under my breath. "First d

le smile and a reassuring voice, she leaned over and said, "Hey, don't be too hard on yourself. We all ha

grateful smile. "Thank you. It's just that... well, i

t help but notice the curious dynamics

should not hear about this or he makes fun of me, a CEO as handsome as he is….so rud


it that I can’t

weet, damn…so confused!” this s

s at me with a side smile, m

ily?? The new emplo

and a nod. He's always been approachable, willing to lend a hand or share

we departed because of college and now

He smiled brightly as he got up

hug, other employees around


losing your contact, here you a

eplied as we bot

? It really is good to meet ag

and nods politely, acknowledging my presence and also congratulating me, I guess. Though her focus is

around the edges. But trust me; he's actually quite passionate about what we do here.

right.” Dan s

with glimmers of envy, dart in my direction. It puzzles me, as I have yet to understand the s

wly and she turned around to see the

bother you, she doesn’t know what she w

ze—a hidden admiration that veils her disdain. Rumors swirl around the office, suggesting she nurses a crush o


his leadership style is stringent and precise, possessing a desire for excellence that may border on the domineerin

that jerk

female employee. She exudes confidence and charisma, her e

they subtly welcome me into their fold. It's a silent assurance, a r

for a meeting in the conference room" echoed through the office space, stirring a flurry of

pens, trying to compose myself amid the sudden rush. It seemed like everyone knew where to


uld be part.” Dan replied a

is Emily.” Tri

epidation. The meeting looms ahead, an opportunity to forge new co

ffice buzzes around me, a symphony of ambitions and aspirations. As I take my seat in the conference room, I'm ready

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