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Polly of the Hospital Staff

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 2154    |    Released on: 30/11/2017


patients were progressing. Now he had paused at the small table by the

d, and started away, she heard the physicia

he reply; and Polly returned w

e Doctor began, as they went through the hall, and in ha

a little boy?" ask

will be afraid of, Thistledown; but he is a very nice boy. His mother is just recovering from

returned Polly,-"that is," she amen

well enough," the Doctor assured her. And then

ients looked curiously at her as she passed, for the news of her recent accession to the

see; and when, at last, the Doctor stopped and turned

escent ward. And, Polly, allow me to present Master David Collins, who had a race a we

oy ventured to laugh. A week little laugh it was; but it helped to st

all your talking in," was the physician'

David's met in sm

funny things."

as she gazed into the pitifully drawn little face, with its big doll-blue eyes. She must surely say something

ke stories

just lo

octor said you told them to the children. I

responded Polly; "but maybe I ca

iful stories, and I was going to live such a brave, splendid one every day-and then the horse knocked me down! Such a lot of miserable stories

wing rounder and rounder

ry-Pudding Story?"

ite face actually grew pink. "My aunt wrot

stories, too-all of us, up in the ward! Miss Lucy said we'd see which could li

iled David. "Then she sends them to m

u get well enough to come down in our

ned. "I guess I can'

y n

badly. I don't think

will cure you! Goodness! You ought to have seen how I was a

ttle doubtfully. "How 'd you

y's little hands dropped flat in her lap. "I heard a great noise, and felt myself going, and I remember I clutched hold of Uncle Gregory. Then I did n'

?" asked David, in a

words a little), and my ankle was hurt, and two ribs, and, oh, lots of things! Doctor

e a bit?" David ret

the least mite!"

all get well," the

l!" broke in Dr. D

d's wrist, and stood for

visitors," he smiled; "but they must n

invited David timidly. "And let her

And they left the boy smiling as he had no

the whole day, for Miss Hortensia Price still stayed in the convalescent ward, and the Doctor had been too busy to take her out in his automobile. Elsie and Brida and Aimee and the rest were all good comrades, yet none of them possessed

orning. But several days passed before she again saw David. Then it was but for a very few minutes, and he was so wan and weak that

es which Polly overheard filled her with foreboding. She was putting fresh sheets on

rice. "He can't stand many more such sinking spells. Dr. Dudley has giv

heet went on crookedly. Polly did not know it, her eyes were so blurred with tears. She kept

e caught only passing glimpses of him, when he was too busy to be questioned. The little girl g

ce, one afternoon, that Elsie Meyer complai

she fretted. "Say, Polly, I wish you'd spray some of

mean," responded Polly, with

rned. "Hurry up and use it,

er wait and ask h

y always lets you ta

went to the shelf in the dressing-

er I used it last time." Then, spying a small phial on the shelf, close to where the box had been, "Oh I guess she le

refreshing perfume, but as the spray fell nea

O-o-h! ta

ed her face in disgust.

rupted Miss Price's voice. "How came kerosene

e," answered Polly meekly. "I


isted! It's that kind

tle laugh. "Well, thi

p there-oh, I know! Miss Lucy was putting some on her watch, the othe

replied, fetching it from the table wher

indignant at the question. "I guess I wa

her tongue, but sh

your mind on what you do? It is a mercy th

sons and all such things are up in the m

h a bottle of any description. But, then," she added, half to herself, but which came plainly to Polly's e

ication of the one she adored set loose h

just right, and I think it's mean

color wavering on her cheeks; then she s

may go and sit in that wooden chair over there, with your back t

e. She carried her head defiantly, and her face was hot with anger. To think that "High

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