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Entwined destiny

Chapter 3ย ๐Ÿ’•

Word Count: 1663 ย ย ย |ย ย ย  Released on: 04/07/2023


t that jerk?!" Hyun

. He opened a bottle of

en't the right one for h

her house, trying to

my heart belongs to her.... how could she...how

ng would never fall for th

...and they both t

ause I'm n

s just trying to say that she's into rich

same thing". H

't take it personal". I s

and was drin

really mean it that way". I sligh

way too down to take that

or's p

up, Park's

" Ji-hoon's vo

ss, I prom

e no company accepts you". He said with a straight f

got fired, quietl

oked up at the lady who en

he was c

ice and out of the

o anything wrong?" S

her and she retreated slowly becau

er to avoid getting pushed out of

st everybody?" He asked

p my standards". H

ks here... remember?...y

best, I'm CEO now"

y of being CEO and almos

d you kno

entrance and the head of secretary department, gossiping

I care?" He gave

e about anything else other than

he way? I thought you guys we

care of...we won't be shootin

gs you here?"


seen a more e

e murmured, mass

s...you just got engaged to Mi Young...wow,

eadache Dan-gu... Can you

When are you guys h

tration as he continued

a explode because of

th paused before Dan-gu order

this is my office". J

ul lady w

r head and g


turized his

ell of a hot

.. applied for the position of

Ji-hoon asked, sizing

.. sir",

He said, witho

an interview?" S

u instead?". He arched his

r". She replied quick

o your standards huh?". Da

was choking me...I had

dded his head but

elor's night soon? C'mon it's

Dan-gu". Ji-hoon sai

at n


y as I walked

et and I began to reg

curiosity wouldn't allow me. I wanted to walk a

out by this time...they'd nev

year, on this same street....I reall

ce anyway? It's the sh

Min and I

ped myself afte

risks and putting

her fears....I had to prove how strong I am.. and not ho

lly my

diagnosed with Arrhythmia and should be loo

at all...they never include

ng out loud....but I fe

at a spot and sta

my bag fell when I ran int

done for, that v

e, thanks to w

nd protected m

er remain ind

was a murde

hook my head to reality,

thanks to the street l

but heard rus

stuttered, scanning th

gle soul


rom a corner and I screamed in fright

and tried to con

aid out loud... soothing myse

men emerged from the da

unsteady ste

the most terrifying street?"

ked dang

". I stammered, clutch

e help relieve you of the stre

y back,

ed out lau

money and we'l


e thing I don

ou take my...my necklace? It worths a.. lot". I was so sc

bad that i

necklace....if we don't take the money, we'll

and did the only thin

he strength in me,

e hot on

ing to prove ho

back my

, loosing my bre

sorry I broke our promise... please save me this last

my feet and tried to go again b

rd, cursing my

e hoodlums were

rabbed and pulled

overed m

ed to free myself

on me was t


ld you l

ight in fr

er slip aw

ums argue, while

llowed them walk away

tight grip and I turne

out when my eyes got

..". I stammered so

k at me, not

hing familiar a

what was happening at the mo

ou think y

lled closer and into his embr

e still nearby

wn and my h

he rhythm of h

a vu, only that this time, I


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